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This is the BEST skill you can learn to make more money

7m read
·Nov 7, 2024

What's up you guys, it's Graham here. So I'm going to be sharing with you guys the most important thing that you should learn if you want to increase your business and start making more money, and that is learning how to sell. This is one of the most important things that you can learn, in my opinion, for pretty much any career. This applies to almost anybody. If you're selling a product, obviously, it applies to you, but even if you are an employee, you have to sell yourself during an interview.

Other weaknesses were slow learners and we're not particularly good listeners. That'll be a huge problem. We're also slow learners. Even if you're an artist, you have to find a way to sell your artwork to begin making some money to be able to support that lifestyle. No matter what you're doing, in any career, in any field, you're going to be in sales in one way or another. Like, for instance, if you have a product, you have to find a way to advertise and sell that product and make money.

If you're an employee, you have to find a way to sell yourself and articulate yourself concisely during the interview to get hired or even just when asking for a promotion or justifying a higher pay. Almost everything we do is selling, and I don't mean like this sleazy sort of like car salesman approach where we exaggerate the benefits and try to sell somebody on something and then move on to the next.

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about being able to articulate concisely and concretely what your benefits are and what the advantages are of going with you or your product versus something else. It is so important to be able to learn how to communicate your benefits and how that applies and relates to someone else. By the way, this is a lot more difficult than it sounds. To be able to concisely articulate and communicate your benefits to somebody else in a way that they understand and that they can actually relate to is challenging.

Most people will never even put in the time to realize these things. The first step is to know and understand what your benefits are versus someone else or another product. What makes it better than something else? How does it improve the other person's life? How does it make their life easier, and why would they need your service or your product? What problem does this solve for somebody else?

The most important thing is that this needs to be a win-win situation for everybody involved. You always need to deliver and give more than what the other person is expecting; otherwise, it's just unsustainable. So take the time right now to write down the ten advantages that you have over somebody else and figure out what really gives you an edge. Also, feel free to go ahead and think about them and post them down below, and I'll go through and reply to as many of them as I can.

But really thinking about this, internalizing it, and writing it down will prevent you from winging it when the moment comes up, and then maybe you end up missing some points that you wish you would have said because you didn't prepare ahead of time.

The sad truth is that most people will never even do this. They will never even take a minute of their time to think about what their advantages are over somebody else. So that justifies you doing this; you're going to be ahead of probably 90% of the other people out there just by making this one small step. By doing this, you also become way more confident in what you have to offer because you've thought about these things ahead of time.

You're not just going to be grasping for air when it comes time to communicate your advantages over somebody else. Now, the second aspect of this is that the other person that you're communicating to will feel exactly what you feel. If you're doubting yourself, if you're feeling self-conscious, if you're unsure of yourself, that's going to come through in the way that you speak. Other people will pick up on the subtleties of your communication. It is so important that when you communicate to someone, it comes from a place of passion and enthusiasm.

I promise you, if I was making the same video and I didn't care about this enough, it would not come through, and it would seem inauthentic. The videos that I make, then you would almost start to doubt everything that I'm saying. This whole video would not be as effective if I was not passionate about this and didn't really believe it. If I wasn't excited about it, okay, so now let me give you a whole example of what this video would sound like if I wasn't excited about it and if I didn't believe it.

If I wasn't passionate about it, one of the most important things that I think that everyone should learn if they want to increase their income is learning how to sell. That's probably one of the most important things that I think you can learn; pretty much, I think it applies to every career out there because no matter what you do, it has some aspects of selling in it. You see the difference there, right?

There's a reason when I make these videos I do my best to communicate how excited I am by doing these videos, and because I really like it. If I was not excited about this, if I was not passionate about this, it would come off as extremely inauthentic. It would come off as fake and it wouldn't have the effectiveness that it has when I really enjoy making these.

So remember, this applies to you too. When you're speaking about something, you need to be excited about it. You need to be enthusiastic about it. If you're not, it comes through in the subtleties and the way that you speak, and other people pick up on that. Everything you say is just not as effective.

The third aspect of this is knowing and understanding who your audience is. Now, Gary Vaynerchuk, I actually made a video about this a few months ago, and by the way, I love Gary Vaynerchuk. I listen to all of his podcasts; his YouTube videos are great. Gary is doing an amazing job. He was talking about having people DM other people, asking them how they can bring value to that person.

No joke, after that video came out, I probably had a few dozen people reach out to me through DMs, YouTube messages, or Snapchat, asking me how they can bring value to my channel, and I love that. By the way, I think that's amazing and I think that's a great way to go about it. But unfortunately, if you're not targeting and knowing your audience, it just comes across as a little random and a bit vague.

As nice as it is, I don't think you can just go to random people asking how you can bring value to them because it comes from the frame of you first. You're doing this for you, not for the other person. I think it's way more important to be able to target your audience, know where they are, and be able to concisely and quickly demonstrate what you want to do for them and how that can help them and you at the same time.

For example, if you notice I might need music on my channel, you might want to send me a message and say, "Hey, Graham, I've got some cool beats for you; love for you to check them out! If you want to use them, let me know." Hint: if anyone has some, you'd seriously got there.

Seriously though, if you have some cool beats and you've been watching my channel, you kind of know the music I've been going for. If you have anything like that you might want to be played on this, let me know. Seriously, send me a message with a SoundCloud link or something like that. I'm actually so down to listen to some cool music and maybe put those in a few of my videos, so seriously.

I just recommend being as specific as possible, really targeting your audience, and being able to very quickly and concisely explain how they could bring value for them and you. Once you realize what your benefits are and what advantages you have over other people, really do your best to internalize it. If you're an employee, understand what you do better than all the other employees.

If you're selling real estate, don't just sell the house; sell yourself, your energy, your enthusiasm, and your passion. Really sell yourself as a professional and what sets you apart from everybody else. Don't be cocky or arrogant about it either; like, "Hey, I'm the best; go with me." Just do your best to understand your value and be able to communicate that effectively.

So again, just to recap here: take the time to write down what your advantages are and what sets you apart from everybody else. Then internalize that as best as you can and practice communicating that to other people. Practice speaking about it, and it’s got to be something you really believe in, that you're really passionate about, and that you're really enthusiastic about.

By demonstrating your value, you can begin to increase your income and begin to make a lot more money from that. So as always, you guys, thank you so much for watching! I really appreciate it. If you haven't already, click Subscribe. I'm posting a lot of videos lately, and I'm doing my best to put out as much as possible. If you want to be a part of that, click Subscribe! Also, feel free to add me on Snapchat and Instagram; posts are pretty much daily if you want to be a part of it, so be sure to add me. Thank you again for watching. Until next time!

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