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These Two Young Bushmen Hope for a New Life in the Modern World | Short Film Showcase

3m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] Love h h h h my oh my. [Music] Fo I [Music] [Music] note foree. [Music] Spee [Music] when I go through new, I see a lot of hopeless faces. People who are here, we are undergoing a lot of change, and we are losing our way of life. Foree [Music] if you lose your land, then who are you? It's upon us as a youth, you know, to find out who we really want to be.

At a young age, I lost my parents. I realized that it was upon me, you know, to become responsible for myself. Education is my [Music] future. No things a certain engineer, land in an engineering school, so I'm trying to learn what he learned. [Music] [Music] Go guys, if you can come to the teacher table, that's a light emitting Di, and you know that if you don't connect it accordingly, it not light. It doesn't light. So if you stop these connections, it should light right?

My dream is to see myself next year either at the US, US Canada, or the UK study for my engineering degree. Some people still believe that the Bushman are primitive subhuman beings, people that belong in the bush hunting and gathering, incapable of understanding complex issues. I just want to prove them that, you know what, this is totally wrong. This huh Co M, hey hey, some cry fore spee foree foree spee speech spee for [Music] [Music] [Music] takee [Music] fore for fore spee speee.

[Music] [Music] My mother passed away a few days after my best, people will show was going to survive or not. Some say no, just bury him with his mom. Sometimes I wonder how it must be to have parents; a person to talk to, someone who would understand what you're trying to say, someone who would care.

Wear jeans [Music] here has my eyes, you know, this bold and big eyes can see myself on here. My responsibility is to ensure that she will live a decent life. I have to make sure that I protect her. I provide her with all the basic needs that she will require: food, clothing, and also just, you know, love. Just to love her so that she can feel like, you know, what, I have a father who cares about me.

K, that night this is Cello's file. He has to write essays, your story, all these huge financial documents total income $347 per annum with your UK applications. Yes, where did you get offers? Um, from University of York. York. And what did they say? What grade did they say you have to get? Uh, one and two B's. Two B's? Right, so it's fantastic to get offers, is it? It's just the money. So that's why we decided to put your application forward to MasterCard, okay? So that you could find funding somewhere else.

Yeah, it's out of your hands, but what is in your hands is what you do in the exams. You don't want to drop a B to a C because otherwise it's all been for nothing. [Music] [Music] I feel overwhelmed, but if you don't put pressure on myself, then who's going to put pressure on me? There's no one out there, you know, to tell me what to do and what not to do in order to pass.

Hey, let's go! Good morning students! You are now under exam conditions. Do not open the exam booklet until I tell you to do so. I went into the exam room with the greatest motivation. I've done my level's best so L we [Music] can hey come on come on come on Cor come up for fore fore me, come on for foree for than.

Hi, are you? I'm fine. So we're checking your decisions? Yeah, yes, you got to find it there. He hey, well done! Read it out, read it out! Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that we have been selected for the fall 2015 MasterCard Foundation scholarship program at Mican State University. We welcome you to embrace this life-changing opportunity. Yes, life-changing it will be, w't it?

Yeah, have you ever been on a plane? Nope, excited? Okay, yeah! Hey ah spe see [Music] [Music] I call my a and one of the guys, he said something that I didn't want to [Music] remember. Is this the guy that people wanted to bury alive? And see, then she said yes. So life is a miracle. [Music] That's all.

But maybe she would say I didn't spend enough of my early childhood with my dad. But I understand, and I hope you would understand that I didn't go there to have fun. I got the scholarship to go there, you know, to put our future on the right track. [Music] [Music] I spe spee speee.

[Music] Give me [Music] may I have your attention please, ladies and gentlemen, this is a final wedding announcement for a [Music] [Music] for [Music] is [Music] [Music].

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