How I Meditate
I do Transcendental Meditation, um, and when I and there are different that's a mantra-based vegetation. So anyway, here's how it works. There are met different Mantra based presentations, but the process is a real simple process. There's a, um, it's called the Mantra, which is a word that has no meaning that really almost becomes a sound that you repeat in your head while quietly, uh, with your eyes closed and in a comfortable position.
It might be something like, oh, you know, you breathe on in and out and so on. And when your mind is focused on that, it can't have thoughts because it's focused on that. And so it takes your, what your mind is like a monkey jumping all over the place, and you can't control it. You know, you say, um, I'll sit there and I won't think. Well, you'll think, and it'll jump all over the place.
So the main thing that this Mantra does is it focuses your attention on that and it gets you away from thinking. And then eventually, the Mantra sort of fades in the background, goes over and over and over, and it fades in the background. And then you go into a subliminal state, um, which means, um, and it's not a black and white thing. There are various degrees of depth to this.
Uh, but anyway, it goes into the subliminal state, which, um, is not like being awake or asleep. It's kind of like being very quiet and not conscious because that's really taking you into your subconscious. So it takes you into your subconscious, um, and, um, in your subconscious, it's peace and, and so on, and tranquility. It's also like the subconscious is where creativity comes from.
It's like if you wanna, um, if you want to be creative, you don't muscle it. You, in your conscious mind, pretty much, you go take a hot shower, you relax, and greater ideas come to you.