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Making a Cool Bus with Photoshop

3m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hi, I'm John. I'm here with Backheads101 today, and as you can notice, I have this cool bus on my um back on my um desktop. So I'm going to show you how to make a bus like this using Photoshop CS3 on a Mac.

So first off, let's um open it. I have a picture of a standard bus I got off um Google Images. Just search "school bus." So you open Photoshop CS3. Next, you want to use—here, I'll press Apple Plus to make it a little bigger.

Um, you're going to want to use this tool. There's several kinds of tools: there's the lasso tool, which lets you lasso it and make it however you want, or there's um, there's this tool which does it like this but it puts like lines in between it. Or hold on, let me undo that. Or there's the tool I prefer, it's like Pognyamo or whatever tool.

So what you're gonna do is, as carefully as you can, you're gonna wanna select parts of the bus, like the bottom part of the bus. Of course, it doesn't have to be perfect, but just try to make it as best you can. And since it's perfectly straight, the smaller curves you do, the better it's going to turn out because, like, it's hard to make a round wheel. But since I keep stopping, it looks a little rounder. So if you really care about the wheels being round, you might want to use some of the other tools that I showed you.

So just keep doing that until you get all around the bus. I'm not going to perfect it just because I'm showing you. But since you're selecting the bus, behind it won't be in it if you select properly. And since um, this is further back, you might want to take it out a little. And I don't want this in it, so I'm just gonna select around that and I'll do like up there, all the way till back there and back down there. Hold on, and find—there we go.

Okay, so now we press Apple C to copy and Apple V to paste. Now, as you can probably—you probably can't tell that it pasted, but you can move it around. Now what you're going to do is search in Help for rotate, and you're going to want to do the second one. But obviously, you don't want to bust like this, so then you're going to want to flip it horizontal. So then flip horizontal, and there you go.

Here, I'll zoom out now, and I'm going to put that like right um—um, using the mouse tool won't let you make it perfect, so once you get it near where you want, you'll want to finish it off with the arrow tool. And um, as you can probably tell, this part doesn't look too good. So um, you might want to open your original bus again with Photoshop or—yeah, I'll save this onto my desktop as "school bus one.psd."

Now you open your original bus with Photoshop. Now you can just select um, with the select tool, this part of the bus. Try not to get any um, like anything but the windows. And now just Apple C it there, Apple V here. And here, I'm going to use the arrow tools.

And um, now I'll make another one. Holding option, you can drag it and make another one, but I don't want it to go too much over, so I'm going to flip this vertical and put it right there. And maybe I'll hold um, hold option and drag another one down. And um, it's not perfect, but um, there you go.

That's how to make a funky school bus with Photoshop CS3 on a Mac. Thank you for watching Mac Head. Please subscribe to Mac Heads 101!

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