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Every Type of Wealth (Explained)

17m read
·Oct 29, 2024

You know, money is just one of the 15 ways a person can be rich. In order to achieve real wealth in life, your goal should be to check off as many of these types of riches as you can. Here's every type of wealth explained.

Okay, so let's start off with the obvious one.

Number one: Rich in money. So, the term financially rich translates to different numbers in different parts of the world. You should think of yourself as rich in money if you're in the top 10% of asset holders in your geography. So, breaking that down, being rich in money translates to the following: no debt; your home, your car, and everything else in your life has already been paid for. There's no master above you eating the fruits of your labor.

You've got predictable passive income that covers at least twice the cost of your lifestyle. This means you earn money while you sleep, and that income is more than enough to cover the cost of your lifestyle: food, clothes, utilities, travel, entertainment, and any additional or emergency purchase you might need to make. This income is stable and will more likely be there 10 to 20 years from now.

And you feel a great sense of financial security. Your wealth is diversified enough so that market fluctuations won't put financial stress on your family. You know you're rich in money when if you decided today to never work another day in your life, your family would still have a very comfortable lifestyle.

Now, some people achieve this by selling a company, by acquiring properties that they rent out, by owning small pieces in other people's businesses that pay off dividends, or by simply investing in the S&P 500 and following the withdrawal rate. There are many people who think being rich in money means earning a lot of it, but whether you're rich or not depends on how much you spend. One can have a rich lifestyle without ever becoming financially wealthy.

An example of this is a streamer or entertainer who earns 100K a month but pays 50K for rent in a mansion and keeps an entourage that costs them another 50K. Unless you check off the four boxes mentioned earlier, know that although you might be a high earner, you are not rich or wealthy; for material wealth is measured by the value of the assets you own.

Now that we've got the basics out of the way, let's go deeper.

Number two: Rich in family. Now, as hard as it is to believe, being alone is worse than being poor, and nothing makes you feel more alone than not having a proper family. Now, it might not feel like that in the beginning, but as time goes on, the importance of family goes up. Sure, there's the family you choose, but friendships come and go while family will always be there.

Having your parents alive as you mature, having a familial infrastructure around you as you have your own kids, is literally priceless. Not everyone is lucky enough to have great parents, but if you are, know that you've struck gold in a way that completes your puzzle. If you think having kids is hard, try living with the pain of one wanting children and not being able to have them.

One can never mature until they love something more than they love themselves. Different parts within you unlock, and you find new wells of happiness, joy, and wealth. Having a loving family is the kind of wealth that you have to live through in order to understand just how valuable it is. Every divorced billionaire out there will tell you that even more money wasn't worth it when it came at the expense of the family fabric.

Visit your grandparents, have a beer with your dad, take your mom shopping, show your brothers or sisters an event, kiss your partner the way you did when you were dating, and play with your kids. If you do it right, when you need it most, they will be there for you.

Number three: Rich in friends. Speaking of the family you choose, your friends play a crucial role in your life. If your family gives you purpose in life, your friends make the shitty times bearable. It's the fraternity that comes with it, knowing that you can tackle it together or at least laugh at it afterward. Friends push each other to become better; it's friendly competition, companionship, and a support system all in one.

As time goes on, the realm of friendship expands into networks. Who you know is more important than what you know. Think about it: if you took away their money, most rich people would get back to being rich because of their friends and the people they know. Rich in friendship means you have a safety net of people who would vouch for you, who know what you're capable of, and who will show up for you because they know you'll show up for them.

Well, most of your so-called friends are 500 P.M. friends, meaning you call them casually now and then. There are some, probably 1 to 2, maybe 3, that are what we call 300 A.M. friends: the kind of friends you can call at 3:00 in the morning, and they'll pick up the phone and show up for you. This is a great moment for you to question: how many 300 A.M. friends do you think you really have?

Number four: Rich in fun and adventure. Don't live the same day 5 days a week for 80 years and call it a life, for it is not. Life has the potential to be full of adventure and extraordinary experiences. So, here's a good rule to remember: a life of fun and adventure is four times as valuable as one without them. This means the person earning four times as much money as you do still looks up and secretly wishes they could be you backpacking through Europe right now.

And this is true because people actually work with the hopes that once they achieve financial security, their life will be fun and adventurous. The problem is it takes them 40 to 50 years to get there. And as every geriatric will tell you, hot sex on a beach doesn't hit the same after age 70. Neither does food, sunsets, ice cream, or adventure as you know it.

Now, deep down, we all secretly want our lives to be these big adventures like the ones we read about when we were young, to feel special, to experience something outside of the regular paths. So, when you see someone actually doing it, you're kind of jealous. A person who manages to fill their lives with fun and adventures is someone who's living life right. What's the point of being the dragon who gathered the most gold coins if you never leave your cave?

Number five: Rich in opportunity. In venture capital, we call it deal flow; in sales, it's called qualified leads; in acting, maybe it's how many movie offers you get, how many companies are offering you high-end positions, or how many women want to date you. Opportunity simply means having options.

Most people go through life never figuring out what they want to do. They live in a constant state of disorientation and anxiety; they second-guess their choices and move along with the crowd, even if it doesn't feel particularly right. At the other end of the spectrum, there is a subset of individuals to whom the world is their playground. They could do anything they want, and probably they would also be great at it.

Rich in opportunity means you are the one who picks; you're the main course. You don't have to settle for someone else's leftovers or do the same thing everyone else does just because that's what's expected of you. Rich in opportunity means your life doesn't suck. You have many paths ahead of you that lead to a better life, and it's up to you to pick which adventure you want to go on.

It means that even if something doesn't work out the way you hoped it would, there's still plenty of opportunity left. Not only do you not have options, but there's enough gas in the tank to get you through most of them. Most people think that opportunity is something that shows up unannounced in your life and you've got to be ready for it. And that's true for most people, but not for those at the top.

You can architect your life in such a way where opportunities gravitate around you all the time. You could build a funnel that creates these opportunities for you. The easiest way is to start training yourself to see it and point opportunities out. Often, this is called red car syndrome or by its academic name, the Bader-Meinhof phenomenon.

If I show you a red car and then tell you to look for a red car, you're more likely to see red cars on the road because your brain is primed for it. Otherwise, you wouldn't notice them quite as much. It's the same with a pair of shoes, bears, numbers, you name it. You start off by noticing opportunities more and more often, and then eventually you domino your way into creating them.

It takes 10 to 15 minutes per day to wire your brain to work like that. If this is something you're interested in mastering or developing for yourself, download our app by going to or scanning the QR code on screen. We mix neuroscience, academic research, and real-life experiences to train your brain to build wealth and a good life, the same way a fitness coach helps you get in shape. Hundreds of thousands of people have downloaded it so far and use it to better themselves every day, and you've been missing out.

So, here's the deal. Okay, we spent over a million dollars of our own money building this app, and we're about to spend a couple more making it the most valuable tool for self-development there is. And because you watched this particular video, if you scan the QR code, you'll get 25% off your yearly membership to jumpstart your evolution. See you on the inside.

Number six: Rich in time. Now, a while back, we introduced you to the concept of time billionaires, which is a phenomenal way to understand this point. Now, there's a link in the description to that video, the app, and everything else we talk about here. We guarantee you that every old billionaire out there would trade all of their fortunes to be the age you are right now, no question about it.

Okay, yet most people take time for granted. Rich in time means you have enough of it ahead of you to see the trees you plant grow strong and bear fruit. Rich in time means you're not in a hurry anywhere. The alarm clock doesn't control you. You're not late going anywhere; you are where you should be from a time perspective.

Our entire culture revolves around urgency, right? Despite our youthful looks, we feel like we're getting older faster, at least mentally and emotionally, right? Rich in time means you don't feel like you're falling behind, that you need to keep up, that your life will pass you by. And what a wonderful kind of wealth that is.

Rich in time means not having to speed-read a book or 1.5x a podcast or skip an intro to a TV show. It means you prefer walking instead of taking an Uber or the bus. Listen to this, okay, because it is important: rich in time means experiencing the passing of time without the need to race it. The people who score the happiest around the world have mastered this. It just so happens to be tied to longevity and vitality.

Number seven: Rich spiritually. But, okay, don't confuse spirituality with religion. Rich spiritually means you found peace. You're at balance in your life. You've found a place where you belong, and you're thriving naturally in this environment. You are creative; you can easily tap into a state of flow, and you feel inspired. Ideas come to you easily, and you’re able to create work that you take pride in.

It's hard to explain to people who've never been at peace before, but think of your soul as not being at war with anything or anyone. Rich spiritually is when you stop caring about whether or not life is fair because you've learned to ride the waves, how to adjust sails when the wind blows, and how to take the good with the bad and everything in between.

You've made peace with your past and will accept the future wholeheartedly, and this gives you a holistic perspective on life. Others think of you as wise for your ability to look beyond the surface. Your beliefs provide comfort, guidance, and serve as cornerstones for how you live life in such a way where nothing feels wasted. You know you're rich spiritually when you find your own version of God or become it.

Number eight: Rich in freedom. There are many types of freedom out there. So much so that this topic might deserve a video on its own if you guys want to watch that. Freedom is the highest form of achievement, which makes it a universal pursuit. Beyond that, there are a couple of distinctions to be made.

There is freedom from things and freedom to do things. In between those two is the freedom to choose. What do you want to do with your time, money, self, etc.? You know you're rich in freedom when you feel in control of your life, of your year, of your day, from the moment you wake up to the moment you put your head down to sleep.

You've lived the day the way you decided to. Some people are rich on paper, but they can never return to the motherland or speak their mind or see their kids. This is why as a society we decided there is no higher punishment than taking away someone's freedom. It doesn't matter how much money you have; going to jail disqualifies you from the game of life or money.

For when they take away your freedom, they take away a piece of you. Being able to move freely around the globe, to talk to anyone you want about anything you want, to experience, to run wild in the field without a care in the world—the freedom to see the world for what it is and shape it the way you want it to be because you can, that is a level of wealth and power very few people get to experience.

Number nine: Rich in environment. Now, you might not realize this, but some of you have won the environment lottery. You were born or decided to live in the most rich, beautiful, and serene places in the world. Social media has this toxic trait of making you feel like you should be somewhere else than where you are. We're big fans of moving around the planet until you find a place that feels like home—a place where you belong.

Once you find it, put down roots and don't look back. Instead, look at the sky, the sunsets, the ocean waves, or the mountain peaks. Look at the way the tree leaves dance in the wind. In our travels, we found people who want to, and can be miserable anywhere. Rich in environment means that everything around you contributes to your well-being and is working actively to give you the nutrients you require to grow and blossom.

Everything you need is around you; the ground is fertile, so anything you plant grows high. Your only choice remains: what should you plant?

Number ten: Rich in mentors. Mentors are different from friends or family members. Rich in mentors means that by some turn of events or engineered decision, you now have some elite performers invested in your success. What's it like when Dumbledore takes you under his wing or Yoda teaches you how to use the Force? The right pupil in the hands of an elite mentor will surpass their teacher in a fraction of the time.

Having the proper mentors saves you decades of trial and error. They can be worth a billion dollars based on the impact they have on your future, which is why the richest of the rich are all in constant pursuit of even better mentors. And this is where the term executive coach takes ground.

Top CEOs have multiple people with decades of experience overseeing their every move with the sole purpose of optimizing for efficiency and minimizing potential mistakes. A good executive coach costs $50,000 to $250,000 per year. For decades, this has given the rich a massive unfair advantage that makes them even richer.

So, we at Alux decided to do something about it and level the playing field. We pay these executive coaches on your behalf, put them in a studio, and have them coach us the same way they would coach a Silicon Valley CEO. We then take these sessions and strategies and put them right into our app for you to learn from. Instead of paying tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, you get access to not just one, but tens of ultra high-end coaches for only $1.99 a year. Not to mention that average people simply won't have access to these kinds of individuals.

Our app engine tailors the learning path to maximize the likelihood of real change for you based on what your current situation is. It's incredible. At Alux, we put this luxury, previously available only to the super rich, into the hands of everybody.

If you're in the very early days of your journey, scan the QR code on screen, and you'll get 25% off your yearly plan, or go to and download it there. Eventually, we'll email you a discount code. This way, anyone who actually wants to make something of themselves can be rich in mentorship.

Number eleven: Rich in attention. Attention is incredibly valuable, okay? You want to know how valuable? Ad spending worldwide reached almost 733 billion U.S. dollars in 2023 alone, and look, it's projected across a trillion dollars per year in the next couple of years. This is why people spend millions of dollars on a 30-second Super Bowl ad. Attention—whoever has it can get power, money, and influence.

The Kardashians were richer in attention than they were rich in money, and eventually, the Benjamins caught up to the attention they were getting. Most people want it. We all crave the spotlight to different degrees because it elevates us on a social hierarchy. People gravitate toward the spotlight like moths to a flame. When you have it, you feel valued; you feel important, and some people thrive off of it.

Attention opens doors and opportunities that would otherwise be out of your reach. Attention validates you in the eyes of your peers; professional recognition translates to lower risk for the future because now you're an in-demand asset. But, it's important to note that there are different kinds of attention.

Attention without anything else to back it up can be a terrible mix. You could get attention for the wrong thing and never escape it. Ideally, you want a bit of fame within a select group of people that provides you the social validation you crave, but not to the extent that someone like Taylor Swift or Beyoncé would get. For that kind of attention limits your freedoms, and it can limit it a lot.

You can't walk out of the house without people swarming you; you can no longer have regular life experiences in that natural environment, so now you're stuck.

Number twelve: Rich in comfort. This is one of our favorites because it's the least philosophical of them all. Rich in comfort means you have everything you need of high quality at your disposal. When you turn on the faucet, hot water comes out. If you want a strawberry, they're available. A great bottle of wine at a table with a view and a couple of friends? Yes, please. Comfort means the minimization of pain.

You can buy or organize your life around it. Your car is safe; it runs well, and you find pleasure driving it. Your mattress is soft and firm in all the right places; your room temperature is optimal. Because of the law of diminishing returns, if you got your life sorted out, the gap between you and the richest man in the world is barely noticeable from an experience perspective.

A $200 bottle of French wine isn't 100 times worse than a $220,000 bottle of Chateau Petrus. Sure, there might be more bathrooms in a house, but money can't buy better water temperature. You can rent what they own, and the experience will be the same.

Here's the crazy part though: if you check off more types of wealth than they do, you in your slippers walking through your house might actually have a better morning than they do in their penthouse, taking pills and rushing to meetings.

At some point in your journey, you'll come across your comfort threshold and realize you've arrived. Things can get better, sure, but only marginally from here and for insane amounts of money where the trade just no longer makes sense.

Number thirteen: Rich in energy. Have you ever met people who were extremely happy? Have you looked out the window at an early morning and saw people jogging with a big grin on their face? Deep down, we all want what they have. We want that vitality, that energy, that feeling of being high on life.

Rich in energy means being rich in health, rich in body and mind, fit, disciplined, and able to make sharp decisions that maintain a high level of exuberance. When you've got all of that in your bag, you find it thrilling going after new challenges in your life. You feel like you're actually at the top of the food chain, that nothing can stop you, no peak is too high, no challenge too big, and you're ready to ride it all into the sunset.

We love optimistic people. We love those who laugh because their laugh is contagious. Rich in positive energy is a vibe, my friend. You realize how valuable this is when there are still things you wish you did, but you simply no longer have the bandwidth or the battery for it.

It doesn't matter how strong your processor is on paper; if your battery when you wake up is still under 20%, deep down, you know you could be one of these 100% battery people if only you could figure out a way to get ahead for once. This is why you envy them, and this is why what they have is so valuable.

Number fourteen: Rich in heritage. Now, it might surprise you to learn the second richest man in the world made his entire fortune off heritage. Don Perignon can sell a bottle of fermented grapes for 250 bucks. Louis Vuitton can sell a leather wallet for X times the price of a regular one. Same for Hermes with their bags or Chanel with their makeup. You can't buy tradition; you can't buy yourself new history.

So, the heritage, the brand, the prestige gets factored in. Elvis's guitar is more rich in value because it belonged to Elvis. Heritage attributes intangible value to anything it infuses. It separates one from everything else, and in a world of 8 billion people, uniqueness comes with a premium price tag.

Some of you scoff at family traditions, at family heirlooms, at the old ways, being drawn in by the new. But a few generations from now, what you disregard as old and outdated will be one of incredible value.

Number fifteen: Rich in memories. If rich in fun and adventure focuses on the way you go through life now, memories focus on the past. When you look back at the way you've lived up until this point, how many gems do you have in your memory bank? How many events can you look back on proudly and say that you've not wasted your life? Not many? Well, maybe it's time for a change.

Here's what people don't realize, okay? The greatest memories don't feel like memories, or that valuable, in the moment. Their value goes up with time. The same with photographs: a photo of you sitting in your house today doesn't seem that special, right? But 40 years from now, it'll be something extraordinary for you to hold or look at. Time grants value to anything that travels through it unscathed, and great memories are on the top shelf.

The worst kind of wealth is the one where everyone says that you're rich at the end of your life, but when you look back on it, you realize you wasted a life in the process of looking rich to everyone around you. Do not make that mistake, Aluxer.

So, looking at this current list, how many of these 15 can you proudly say you can check off? Let us know in the comments! And since it's become tradition for these videos to have a secret bonus reserved only for those true Aluxers watching until the very end, here's this one: use money to reward the best people in your life, not to motivate the mediocre.

With great wealth doesn't necessarily come great responsibility; life isn't Uncle Ben, but it does come with a lot of options and power to make a difference in people's lives. Some will feel entitled to your money, and some will expect some of it just because of a shared past. Use the money to reward those who do great work; those who contribute the most to your growth, to the well-being built around you.

This applies both to friends, family, and employees or business partners. The just way of distributing the rewards you've earned is based on real contribution to the outcome. Some people were crucial, and some people were just there. If you want to be generous, everyone should get some, but not everyone should get the same.

If you happen to be in the process of acquiring riches, a gold nugget for this is to allocate your limited resources on the top performers, the deal makers, those who move the needle for you, instead of trying to motivate all the slackers. Motivating the rest should be a byproduct of rewarding the best. Make sure everyone eats, but you don't get a first unless you've earned a seat at the table.

If this perspective on life and the different types of wealth made sense to you, write the word "best" in the comments. Let's see how many of you are willing to give it your best in the pursuit of all of these 15 types of wealth. We'll see you back here next week, Aluxer. Until then, take care.

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