What’s the most effective way to offset the depreciation of your jet?
So what's kind of the sweet spot in terms of how old the jet is, where someone else is taking the depreciation and the big hit for you, but you're not going to be stuck with something no one wants in 5, 10 years? No, it's a great question, Preo, because the game changed during Co.
These are depreciating assets; they go down in price every single year. But in the last two years, they went up, which is an anomaly that was never seen in the history of the year: Bicycles, motorcycles, everything. But now it's starting to come back down, and we probably, unless we have another pandemic or something, we're not going to see that happen again.
So normally, the first 5 years of an airplane's age probably lose about 40% of the airplane value, and the warranty expires after 5 years. But to give an example, that airplane might drop after 5 years old because it doesn't have the warranty. It's really a stupid reason for it because let's say the difference in price might be $3 or $4 million. Instead of 25, it's 20 when you come off the warranty.
You say, "Okay, you're going to add 300,000 a year for maintenance that was not going to be covered on warranty." So what, you're going to say 5 million on the purchase price? Who cares if you're paying 300,000 a year for maintenance? So...