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Mobile Me Review

4m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey guys, this Mac isn't on. This is just going to be a review on MobileMe. Now, I know this is very late since MobileMe has been out for a long time, but a few people have been asking me if they should buy MobileMe or what, with that. So, I'm just going to be showing you what exactly MobileMe is and what you can do with MobileMe, why it's great.

So first of all, when you sign up for MobileMe, you can sign up for iDisk space or anything like that. And then, of course, you can access your files from Mac, PC, or Linux from Then, you can just log in with your username and your password, just like that. In you have access to a suite of web applications that Apple has made for you to access your MobileMe account from the Internet.

This is, of course, the email. It's really great. It even has a compose feature, and it's all HTML JavaScript. I mean, this works on practically any browser, and you can just drag attachments in or attach them. I think that's pretty cool. I don't know about you, but I've never seen an HTML thing be that good. So, that's that.

Um, it also has online contacts, and this is the contacts application. We're going to gray out the last names of all of these people in our contacts and their email addresses. Um, but this is everything, so this is pretty cool. Um, let's go on to calendar, and here's our calendar right here. You can just add things to your calendar. That's pretty cool. This is an online iCal, basically.

Um, there's Photos. This is your photo gallery, and you can upload photos. There's actually my wallpaper backgrounds that I’m using some of my videos right here. iDisk, if you pay for iDisk, you get to store things on your MobileMe account. You can upload any file, not a folder. So that includes Pages. .pages is actually a folder, so you'd have to zip up Pages documents or upload them.

And yeah, right here is your account, and it'll want your password, so I'm not going to show that to you. But let's just go back. So that is the suite of web applications that they allow you to use, and that's nice, in my opinion. But that's the web apps. You can also synchronize it with your machine so that way iCal gets all your stuff.

It synchronizes your keychains, which means any iChat passwords would get saved, or email passwords or website passwords would get saved. It saves mail accounts and mail passwords and mail settings. And you can backup your dashboard widgets. I don't have any dashboard widgets installed on this user, but I can back those up. You just have to go in and configure MobileMe, and it would look like this.

And I'll show you all that you can sync system preferences and Leopard. You just select MobileMe, you type your username and your password, okay? Then you sign in, okay? And then you can say sync. And this is what I will sync: bookmarks, calendars, contacts, dashboard widgets, stock items, that's cool, keychains, mail accounts, mail rules, signatures, etc. Notes, that's notes on your iPhone and then the notes in dashboard and your system preferences.

There's also iDisk which you have the ability to upload files to iDisk and store files on iDisk. You can just sync your iDisk and back to My Mac, not that important. So, this is MobileMe, and I'll just sign out. But that's pretty cool, and I'm just going to demonstrate what iDisk looks like on the back. You can mount iDisk by going up to Go, iDisk, my other users.

I guess I'll just click that and type my username and password. Okay, so here we go. Here's my iDisk; it bounced right to your desktop, and it's actually physically mounted. This is now physically mounted on your computer. So, if you open up Terminal, you can type CD space and then go to your iDisk and hit enter, type LS, and you're actually in your iDisk in Terminal.

Like this, this is a virtual hard drive connected to your computer virtually. You can also have your public folder open to other people so that you can access it. That's cool. Sites—this is for, what's it called—basically iWeb, and so is Web Documents for your documents, obviously. Backup, you can backup your stuff there. Groups, this is all just standard stuff.

Um, but it really looks like it's mounted. And of course, you can access it through the Internet from Um, and this is not just all it has to offer from your iPhone. And I'll just bring up the picture of an iPhone or iPod Touch. The surface, the iPod Touch as well, I believe you are able to sync your contacts on your iPhone as you could with your computer with your MobileMe.

You can sync your Safari bookmarks as you can with MobileMe. Um, you can sync your photos, obviously, and your settings right there. And I think that's pretty cool that you can synchronize your iPhone, your computer's, your MobileMe account in general, your iDisk, everything just online. And it's just pretty cool how this works. So, MobileMe, in my opinion, is great, and it's just interesting how it works.

So, um, basically that is a MobileMe review. Um, so just get a MobileMe. Maybe get a trial. It's cool, and I especially love iDisk. I think that's one of the well-thought-out things. So this is a good way to spend a hundred dollars a year or something like that. It's pretty cheap in retrospect. It also gives you push email.

So with your iPhone, instead of getting emails every 15 minutes, your iPhone pings as soon as you have an email, which is great. I tested it out with Matt Kids on the one. I just started spamming someone, so they got an email every five seconds, and their iPhone was pinging every five seconds because it's so accurate. So it's an advantage, and if you get spammed, ah, it's a disadvantage.

But it's pretty cool how I'm push email, contacts push calendar. It also syncs your calendar. I forgot to mention that on your iPhone. Um, but it's just cool, so you should try out. Just get MobileMe, get a trial.

So, thank you for watching, Matt Kids. A little one. Subscribe and goodbye.

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