15 Rules To Win At Life (Part 1)
This is the Sunday motivational video. Every Sunday, we bring you a different type of video that should improve your life. Today, we're looking at 15 rules to win in life, Part 1. Welcome to ALux.com, the place where future billionaires come to get inspired. Hello Aluxers! We hope you're having an incredible week so far. So, let's end on a strong note, shall we?
Life is a complicated game filled with moving pieces, changing environments, changing rules, and unfortunately, it doesn't come with a rulebook. So, we asked ourselves: what would be the common traits and patterns shared by hundreds of people who we believe are winning at life? The list ranges from innovators like Elon Musk to artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, to champions like Michael Phelps, to monks who dedicate their lives to finding inner peace, and more. It turns out there are several actions or rules that guide their behaviors, and in this video, we'll be sharing them with you.
While studying them, we realized it's going to be hard to fit all of these practices into a single video, so we're breaking it down into at least two parts. This is the first part, and it'll cover the essentials. Without these, you're unlikely to win the game of life. Next Sunday, we'll share Part Two with some interesting tactics that will give you an edge over everyone else. If you're new here, welcome! Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Instagram at Alux.
With that said, let's take a look at these fifteen rules to win in life:
Number One: Have a vision for your life. You cannot achieve the life of your dreams if you never dream about it. The first thing you need to do in order to win at the game of life is establish for yourself what winning is. Without a proper vision of what life should be, you have no idea of what you're supposed to achieve and when you've made it. Many people believe they know the general idea of what they want from life, but very few take the time to make it clear.
Here are a couple of questions to help you establish a vision for your life:
- Where are you? What is your environment like in this dream life?
- How are you? Who are you as a person? What kind of memories do you have? How healthy are you? How do you feel?
- Who are surrounding you? What kind of people do you have around you? Do you have someone special with whom you share your success?
- What is a successful life for you? What do you do for a living? How do you spend your time? What kinds of goals would this new you have?
These are just a few of the core questions you should ask yourself in order to determine the vision for your dream life. Once you have this figured out, at least now you know what you're shooting for, and then it's time to make it a reality.
Number Two: Know who you are and what you stand for. The more you know about who you are, the less control the world has over you. Making it and losing yourself in the process sounds like a bad deal to us. What's the point of achieving financial success if you can't sleep well at night, see your loved ones, or be surrounded by superficiality? If you want to win at life, you should know who you are, what your values are, what you stand for as an individual. These are clear lines defined by someone who understands the importance of living a fine life, one without regrets.
Number Three: Compare only to your yesterday self. Who cares if others are winning or losing if you're standing on the sidelines? We share the world with almost 8 billion people now, but each of us has our own story to live. You are responsible for yourself, for your growth, and for the way you go through your life. Stop comparing yourself to others and start comparing yourself with your past self. If you focus on your own growth, at some point, you'll find yourself a lot happier.
Number Four: Set clear and empowering goals. There's no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs, and every goal you hit is a new step. Goals are like milestones or interesting quests you can have in your life. Achieving your goal is like leveling up and improving your own stats. SMART goals are precisely defined and make the journey a lot more interesting. Find goals that inspire you, which reside at the edge of your comfort zone. These will empower you and help you move the needle forward.
Number Five: Discipline your mind and your actions. The more disciplined you become, the easier your life gets. Very few people master discipline. This happens because it's a hard thing to do, and not everyone deserves the benefits of such a valuable skill. It's like life's way of filtering out all the wannabes. Only those who really want it put in the time to acquire discipline as a tool in their portfolio. Mastering discipline is probably the most valuable thing you can do if you want to win at life.
Number Six: All growth happens outside your comfort zone. The sooner you step away from your comfort zone, you'll realize it wasn't all that comfortable. Growth comes from trying new things, from failure, from success, and from uncomfortable conversations. If you're just starting out, the best way to learn more about yourself and the world is by throwing yourself into it. How sad would it be to live your life in a small bubble without getting to learn who you really are?
Number Seven: You only need to get it right once. It doesn't matter how many times you fail, because at the end of the day, a single win could last you a lifetime. Many good ideas can slowly push you forward, but a single great idea can make you rich or even get you the life you're dreaming about. The best thing is ideas are free. It's time to come up with interesting concepts that could potentially change your life. Failure is irrelevant as long as you can try again and again.
Number Eight: Be a traveler, not a tourist. The world is meant to be discovered, not just checked off a list. This is one of our favorite rules in life, and whenever we do something exciting, we repeat it to ourselves. There’s a dramatic difference between being a traveler and being a tourist. Tourism is a product that's being sold to you, where you are not in control of the experience, so you're not in control of your life.
Number Nine: Be grateful for what you have and thirsty for more. Gratitude makes sense of the past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Be grateful for even the little that you have. If you have more, be grateful for that, but definitely just be grateful. Life is a blessing, and you could have had it a lot worse. So shake off this feeling that life somehow treated you unfairly and buckle up.
Number Ten: Reading books can be your competitive advantage. The man who reads lives hundreds of lives, whereas those who don't live only one. Books are still heavily underrated because most people don't understand what the real value is. They look at books as forms of entertainment instead of seeing books for what they really are: literal knowledge vaults. Someone's life experiences, mistakes, failures, successes—everything someone learned in 50 or 60 years can be downloaded into your brain in a couple of days.
Number Eleven: Listen much more than you speak. Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves speak. If you want to win at the game of life, it’s time you focused on real growth—the type that comes from actively paying attention to the world around you. It’s time you became a sponge of knowledge and quality information. There isn’t one person around you from whom you cannot learn something.
Number Twelve: Forgive but do not forget. Those who do not forgive are prisoners to their own hatred, and those who do forget are poised to repeat the same mistakes. Forgiveness is not about making peace with someone else; it’s about you making peace with yourself and allowing yourself to move forward.
Number Thirteen: Never quit the game. You may lose battles, you may struggle, but the game is lost only when you give up. The only moment the game is over is when you completely just give up. In order to win the game of life, you need to be persistent.
Number Fourteen: Respect others playing the game. Everyone is the centerpiece of their own story with their own struggles and hardships, so show them the respect you show yourself. Respect is such an interesting topic. It’s one of those things where people understand its value and importance too late in life.
Number Fifteen: Do not play it safe. Only those who risk going too far can find out how far they can really go. You get one life to live, so why not make it epic? At some point in your journey, you’ll realize that playing it safe will not get you to the promised land you’ve dreamed of at the beginning of this video.
Now Aluxers, these were the essential 15 rules to win at life. We hope you wrote them down. Check out Alux.com or the description of this video for notes. And we're curious to know, Aluxers, do you have a clear vision for your life? Let us know in the comments.
As a reward for being a true Aluxer and watching this video all the way to the end, of course you get a bonus rule most people will miss:
Number Sixteen: Realize that you already have won. You are alive. You made it. You’re in the game. Here’s something crazy: your chances of being born are 1 in 400 trillion. Let that sink in for a second. You’ve been lucky enough to get a shot at this life, to enjoy it, to make the most of it. Life is a wild ride that not many people get to experience, and you’ve got the lucky ticket.
Thank you for spending some time with us, Aluxers. Make sure to like and subscribe so you never miss another video. We also hand-picked these videos, which we recommend you watch next. Thank you for being an Aluxer, and we'll see you back tomorrow! [Music]