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City So Real | Official Trailer

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] Hello, yes, I'm doing a documentary right now. Could you please give me a call back? What do I think about the city? I actually love it and hate it. That's Chicago, though. It's our one big happy family. The cries and the complaints of the people are ignored and neglected.

Jason Van Dyke is found guilty. He'll be the first Chicago police officer convicted of murder. What is necessary for Chicago is a vision, actual solutions for the issues we face. Lori Lightfoot senses a late surge and has won the endorsement of progressives. It is a breeding ground for corruption.

What do we do? That happens every time one of them gets killed. They riot. It breaks my heart. I got a roof of beautiful black children and they're all trying to get out. But this guy pulled up on the side of me and called me a black. You can't say anything without someone being offended.

Nobody's born racist; it's taught. I have no tolerance for sexual harassment. Zero tolerance. For six months, would you… would you please let me finish? I wanna be strong.

Chicago is often called the great American city. Well, I didn't know economic development looked like more investment in jails, policing, and mass incarceration. One Chicago, indivisible and united for all our lives.

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