Scratch your brain #Shorts
Scratching out one of your notes means you're noting that the note no longer needs to be noted. Try saying that five times really fast. These are shower thoughts.
Another tongue twister: the more I light my lighter, the lighter my lighter gets until it's too light to light. Luckily, you always have the original lighter for light.
The sun, when you look at the moonlight reflecting off water, you're seeing light from plasma reflected off a solid, which was refracted by a gas and reflected by a liquid. Nature's Rube Goldberg machine for sunlight!
Just like the sun, it's weird that we're made of Stardust. So, the evolution of intelligent life to a star is seeing your sibling die, reanimate back to life, and begin to study itself. It's like we're space Frankenstein's monsters, and one of us is the richest one in the world—or should I say universe?
Technically, being rich is owning Earth money, so the Forbes list should say richest men in the universe. Actually, that sounds too pretentious. Scratch that. Which, if you think about...