From Macbook to Smackbook
Hey, what's up guys? This is mackheads101, and today I'm going to be showing you how to set up Smackbook on your MacBook.
So, first I'm going to be showing you what Smackbook is and, um, if you already know what it is, you can just skip this part of the video. Some of you might know what Spaces is. I have two configured right now. Basically, you can open a window and then you can go to another space where you don't have that window open, and you can drag your spaces around.
Well, this MacBook is basically—here, I have it set up right now—so I'm just going to show you what it is. Smackbook is where literally you smack your MacBook while there's—something wrong with my camera. Okay, you literally smack your MacBook, and it switches space. So look, this is the side of my MacBook, right? So I just hit it, and it switches space, and I can hit it again, and it switches back. I don't know if you guys saw that, but just one more time, okay? It's gonna switch space, and you're not going to see—oh, okay, there we go, I fixed it.
Okay, so I just physically hit it, and there we go. I'll do it one last time just so you guys can get a sense of—okay, I take my hands; it doesn't matter which side I do it, and we'll do a different effect depending on what you're designing or doing, and I hit it, and there we go.
So now, how to set this up? Okay, first off, I'm going to quit Terminal, close, and I'll quit Virtue Desktops, quit, and I'll delete everything that makes it work. Now, my computer is just like yours.
So to set it up, first off, go in your browser—or your preferred browser. Mine is Firefox. Go to this web address; I'll have it linked in the description of the video. So I'm just gonna do a cut here as I type it out.
Okay, so now that I'm at the webpage, what you're going to do is—you're just going to scroll down. Just ignore everything it says that explains how it works and stuff like that. Scroll down to where it says summary, right there.
Okay, and you're going to want to click on here is a self-connected zip with all the patches. I'm just gonna download something for you. Okay, you're gonna wanna put it on your desktop, so you know where it is. For now, you don't need it on your desktop though, so I'm going to delete the zip, put that there.
Okay, so you're just going to download that, and you're going to—that's a file that it needs. You're also going to download another file from this website that lets it read the sensor. Basically, it knows that’s the thing that senses if you hit it.
So click on there and then right there click on that dmg. It'll open up. Okay, clear my downloads. So right there I have something; I double-click on that, and it will create a file right there. What I can do is drag this where it says AMS Tracker; it’s all you need. So drag AMS Tracker inside of Smacbook, inside your MacBook folder, and then you won't need this anymore, so you can just get it out of the way.
Okay, so there's just one more thing to download, and you'll be set to go. So I'm just going to—once again, that'll be in the link. I'll put a link to it in the description of the video, so I'm just gonna do another cut here as I type the web address.
Okay, so this is—okay, so now I'm at the web address, and basically, what this is, is this is a thing kind of like Spaces. It came out—well, it's still in beta, but okay, I used it before when I was in Tiger before Leopard came out.
And yeah, so you're going to download that. Clear downloads. Okay, you can quit Firefox because you won't need it anymore, and drag this to your desktop.
Okay, now you're gonna—okay, let's see; I only have Screenflow. You're going to open Virtue Desktop. It will say it's an application downloaded from the internet. Open it, and it'll give you this message, just say ignore.
Okay, and now, um, this is an application kind of like Spaces. What you're going to do is say organize your desktop. You can put on how many desktops you want. I like to, so I can hit get to one space, hit it to get back. So your plays stay, or your workspace.
Now you can—or you can go into preferences right there, and you can go into appearance, give it different effects. You can give it like a zoom and— or whatever. Just I'll show you this later. I'll just—okay, put it into slide desktop. That’s pretty good.
Okay, so now you can close this window, and this is the last step. So if it works, kind of complicated so far? Not really, since you just download things, which is the last step, so don't worry.
Okay, now you're going to cd to your MacBook folder. So cd means go to your MacBook folder. So, Nick, you can either type in cd space and then the address for it, or where the location for—and if you don't know where that is, you can just drag it in, and it'll bring you to the location, then press enter.
So now that you're connected with this, you're going to, um, open up a folder that's inside. This will—not a folder, a file,, and you want to tell it what to do with that file. Basically, that file tells your hardware what to do when you hit it, okay? And it connects the hardware with the software.
So, okay, so first we cd to our folder. So now this is what you type: perl, perl space smack dot pl. And now I press enter, and it says AMC, or AMS hardware preset, and initialized. Basically, that means the hardware is ready to talk to the software.
So now, let's see, let's see in action—hands are in the air, I hit it, hit my computer. Yeah, it took kind of a while, and so we can switch that in settings.
Okay, so you can go up here, by the way, that’s going to be the icon for your MacBook. It looks kind of like the screen sharing icon, and then go into preferences. So this is where I tell you about the effects.
So, um, and by the way, this works well with Spaces. So if I open a million windows here, and then smack, then I open iTunes here, let's say, it's the same thing as Spaces. So if—what I mean is, if I hit my Spaces keystrokes, wait for iTunes to open, um, you'll see it's the same thing. Now, quit iTunes.
Okay, so now I'm going to be showing you a couple of the effects they have. First off, you can choose how long it is—how slowly it is. I like it at around zero point, let’s say, two seconds because otherwise it gets a line of annoying.
And also in Spaces, you have this little thingy right there. I don't know if you can see that; I'll zoom in right here, where you have—it shows you what space you're going to. You have that with Smackbook too, so you can choose how long it shows you that for.
Okay, so now I'm going to show you another effect. A lot of people like cube, so I hit my computer, and it physically—like, it’s like a cube, which is kind of a cool effect.
Um, let’s see, flip desktop—a lot of 3D stuff you can do. A random one—we'll just pick one. Well, that was really cool. And so it'll just show you a bunch of cool effects they have.
So thank you very much! I hope this helped you. If it did, feel free to subscribe, comment, and rate this video five stars if you liked it. And, uh, yeah—thank you for watching. Goodbye!