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Why I opened the first private jet showroom in the world!

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

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The reason I built the first and only aviation showroom in the world is because nobody else has. I had to be different. Everybody in our industry today lives off a mobile phone and a laptop; that's their business, that's their office. To me, it just doesn't seem right. You're trying to sell a 10, 30, 50, 80 million dollar piece of equipment, and I just think that the clients deserve to have a little bit better level of service than just having somebody talking on a mobile phone or laptop.

The other big reason is because I wanted to get in front of people and to educate them, and it's hard to do that off of a laptop and off of a mobile phone. Most of the time you're meeting with a client in a restaurant, or you're meeting them in their office, with people coming in and out. You're doing a Zoom call, and it just is not the same thing as if you're sitting in front of this giant video wall and being able to take somebody through a very, very comprehensive experiential journey through an app, through a process.

No matter what question that you get asked in this process that we have here in our showroom, I can sort of pivot to the direction that they want to talk around, so you're not like...

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