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Three digit addition word problems

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

We're told the table gives the amounts of materials that are recycled. So we have the different materials here, and then it gives the various amounts. How many kilograms of paper and aluminum did Aya recycle? So pause this video and see if you can figure this out.

Okay, so we were thinking about paper and aluminum. So paper is right over here; she recycled 277 kilograms of paper, and aluminum is right over here; she recycled 134 kilograms of aluminum. We want the combination or the sum of paper and aluminum. So, it's going to be 277 kilograms plus 134 kilograms.

So we really need to figure out what 277 plus 134 is. In multiple videos, we have talked about how there's many different ways of approaching this. We could say, well, let's just break up the 134. We could start at—actually, let me do this on a number line; that sometimes is a fun thing to do.

So if we were to just say this is our number line, and we're going to start at 277, right over there. So first, we could add a 100 because we have 100 right over there. So let's do that: if we add 100, where does it get us?

Well, if we add 100 here, we get to 377. So 300, and I'll just write 77. Then we could add 3 tens or 30. So then we're going to add 30. So let's add 30: what does that get us?

So this is interesting. If you add 30 to 370, you would get to 400, and then we have another 7 there. So that gets us to 407. So then we get to 407, and once again, this is just one way to try to think about it.

And then, last but not least, we could add the four. So then you say, we're there right now, and then we add plus four, and seven plus four is eleven. So four hundred and seven plus four is four hundred and eleven.

So how many kilograms of paper and aluminum did I recycle? It would be 411 kilograms. Kilo kilograms, and we're done.

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