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Bill Belichick & Ray Dalio on Identifying and Addressing Mistakes: Part 2

2m read
·Nov 8, 2024

So we do, uh, some of the things, we actually video everything that's going on, and then you could look at the video and then reflect on it. One of the things I found is that, um, some people, when they look at their, uh, mistakes, react differently than other people when they look at their mistakes. Do you find that again? It's, we try to make it very professional and, you know, if now sometimes there's a disagreement about the mistake, uh, you know, well, I did this, well somebody told me to do that, that was, you know, somebody instructed me to do that, they made a call on the field, or this is the way the coach explained it.

Then we have to get to the bottom of that. Like, all right, well, you were told the wrong thing, or no, you thought they told you to do that, that isn't what they were telling you to do. You know, whatever the communication breakdown is. So, um, so people will easily own their mistakes; there's not, some people who will not as well own their mistakes. Again, it'll vary, or not every once in a while, you'll get some situations where it's not clear-cut exactly what went wrong, or maybe it's a combination of things.

Maybe a player didn't run a good route, and maybe it wasn't a good throw, and maybe there was a protection breakdown that caused the quarterback to not have, you know, and so maybe it's a combination of things. I find it more difficult. I find a lot of people, um, not a lot; some. I think it's a very big differentiator between people who will own their mistakes and easily learn of, and I suspect it's probably because of their used to, probably when they were growing up, yeah, in the, in playing their game all the way through to when the time that they got there. That's just the way it is. In our case, um, people have to, some people are more used to being handled with kid gloves, and, you know, and it's not as easy to be straightforward and say, okay, and then say, I got it, I own that mistake.

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