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Draw With Your Desktop Icons

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey guys, this is Maids 101, and today I'm going to show you a little app we made. Um, which is kind of funny. What it lets you do is it lets you draw with your desktop icons. So here, um, this will be one of the only Macad videos I ever upload where my desktop is covered in junk.

Um, so the idea is you'll open up the app, and you can draw a path kind of like this. And you click "arrange icons," and it arranges your icons in that shape. As you can see, that's exactly what it did. And I'll click "clear" and draw a different shape. I can do like a line like that, and you see it arranges them in that line.

And I can do a frowny face, and voila! So, uh, this is basically all the app does. And of course, if I want to restore stuff, I made an undo feature. So while the app is still open, you can go to edit, undo, and just press command Z to do that.

And you can keep on doing it until it brings it back to your original desktop layout. Um, so this is our desktop draw application. It's kind of funny if you have a friend whose desktop is really messy while they're not on their computer. You can run over and do this real quick to their computer, and they'll probably freak out.

So thanks for watching Maids 101. Subscribe and goodbye!

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