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Car to Limo in Photoshop

3m read
·Nov 3, 2024

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Hey guys, this is Mack Kids101, and um, I recently got a private message or a comment asking me how to turn a regular car into a limousine with Photoshop. So first off, you need to pick a regular car that you want to turn into a limousine.

I'm just gonna search for images of a car, and you want the car kind of to be facing like this, but you want it to have a flat top for best results. So, um, I'm just gonna pick a car. Hold on, like this; this is good.

Okay, so once you have your car, view the full-size image or, I don't know how you're getting your thing, but I'm getting mine through Google Images. Just drag it to your desktop, and okay, we can start the Photoshop process.

So, right-click, open with Photoshop CS4 because CS4 is how I will be doing this method. If you don't have CS4, it won't work as well. Okay, now once you have your car, you're going to want to highlight everything by pressing Apple A, and then you're going to say Apple C for copy.

Now you're going to want to go up to File and then you're going to say New or just press Apple N. You will see it will remember the height and width of what you copied, but we want to make this a little wider. So instead of making that um, 600, we will make that 1000.

Once you have all your settings set, you can just press OK and then paste your car. Now you're going to want to go to your car layer right over there, right-click on it or just press Ctrl-click, and then select Duplicate Layer. Call it whatever you want; I'll call it Car 2, and then say OK.

Now, I'm gonna hide Car 1 so we only have Car 2; that's what we're looking at right now. Now you're going to want to search for Scale. Now, this is the prop, the scale that you're probably used to. Um, this one I'm gonna hold Option so it scales into the middle, and as you can see, it stretches the car but stretches the background too, so it um, doesn't look that nice.

So I'm just going to say Apple Z; I'm just going to hit that and then say Don't Apply. We want the Content Aware Scale, where you can also find that through Edit > Content Aware Scale. So once you have that, you can just select it.

You're going to hold the Option key, which is next to the Command key if you’re using a Mac, and hold that while scaling outwards. That way, the car can become longer, and you're going to see if you do this kind of scale, it'll recognize some things like some letters; it won't stretch them, and um, the wheels they won't be stretched.

So then you can just hit Apply, but this process is not perfect. As you can see over here, um, the front of the car is stretched. So for right now, we're gonna hide this layer and go back to our first layer.

We're gonna select the Rectangular Marquee Tool right over there, and then select the top of the front of the car. And how, so we don't have it stretched, we can copy that and we can paste it. Hold on; I have to click on this layer so you can copy it.

Copy it, and I'll make a new layer, unhide that, and paste. Then you can just drag that to where it looks good. And after you do that, hold on, okay? So after you do that, do the same thing with the other side.

So hide these two layers, then select the back of the car. First, you have to click on this Layer 1, select the back of the car, and you can paste it right over there. Hold on; did I paste it? Yeah, I have to move that up.

So now that it is pasted, you can drag that back and you can see the words "Emergency" right over there; they are left perfect because the um, because the Content Aware scaling recognizes words. So you can just bring that right over there.

Now once you have that, you're going to select these three layers, the top three. So just hold Shift and then press Apple E, or right-click and say Merge Layers. Wait, hold on; clicked the wrong one. Merge Layers, and those layers will all be put together.

But as you can see, the back parts of the car are still there, so you can just delete those by highlighting them with the Rectangular Marquee Tool and deleting them. And then if you want to make a new project without this, you can just select whatever parts of the c...

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