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Forest Flyover with Gisele | Years of Living Dangerously

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] This was good.

Gross forest was not like that. What you can see now, this whole thing that we are seeing, that is dry land right now, was not here then. In 50 years, have this destruction. You can see forest, and next to a clear cut for a mile long. They've done a lot of destruction in such a short amount of time. So it's kind of hard to see.

You know, she talked to one of her heroes, Pao Adoro of Greenpeace, and he's somebody who's really devoted his life to stop illegal deforestation. When I was contacted by the producers of the show, I was thinking that this would be a great opportunity to tell millions of people the message that the Amazon is under threat. The Amazon is fundamental for the entire Earth population and we all together need to stop destruction. I mean, people need to know this. I mean, it impacts all of us, you know?

Pao Adoro leads a small band of climate protectors. He has more information and more resources sometimes than the actual government police. He's truly a hero of the rainforest. If we don't combine alternative energies with stopping deforestation, the global warming will be so big that by 2050 we will have no chance of stepping back anymore.

Pao took Jaelle up to a dam called the Teles Pederus. We can see the deforestation around it, the roads, the development, the dead trees. They cut the flow of the river, so the water raised in that area became a lake and then all the trees died. Thousands, millions, I don't even know, like so much.

This is the last chance. We may be past the point of no return, or we may be right on that bubble. We have to act now. It's very inspiring for me to see those people who are so devoted. They're devoting their lives to protecting something and taking care of something that is vital for not just their lives, not just their children, but life on Earth.

It makes me feel like, you know, how can I do more? We can't let them do that. No, we can't. We [Music] can't.

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