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Groups Search for Consensus, Individuals Search for Truth

2m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Truth is very fought over. When we say truth, the biggest problem we're going to run into is that what society wants for you is not what's always good for you. Society is the largest group, and groups search for consensus; individuals search for truth. It is not acceptable for society to tell you the truth in many things.

There are many things society throws out all day long that if you are a smart and critical thinking person, you just believe, but you're forced to go along with it, even though deep down you know it's not true. "Money isn't gonna make you happy" — that's a society truth, it's not an individual truth. Look at all the individuals trying to make money; deep down, they know that yes, money will get rid of a lot of sources of unhappiness and at least put it to the point where happiness is then under my control.

It's my choice as opposed to being inflicted upon me externally. That is just one of a billion lies society tells you. Another lie society tells you is that you send your kids to school for education. No, they get an hour a day of education; they get indoctrination. They get taught at the speed of the slowest student. They get taught mostly subjects that are irrelevant or obsolete.

Education is a combination of a small bit of education, a large dose of socialization, a large dose of compliance training, and a massive dose of babysitting, which is helpful for parents who can't take care of the kids at home. Also, it keeps young troublemakers off the streets, especially at the teenage level, who might be going out and committing crime and causing problems or getting in trouble.

So school does a lot of things, but education is just a very tiny piece of it, as all the homeschooling stats clearly show, and even the unschooling stats are starting to show. Society does not just tell you things that are false; it programs you to beat yourself up when you cross one of these boundaries, when you transgress against society's truths. A classic example of that is guilt.

Guilt is society's voice speaking in your head, guilty society programming you so effectively that you are your own warden. So truth-seeking is a very hard business because you essentially have to, with deep conviction, understand things that you are told are wrong all day long.

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