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AI in your life

4m read
·Nov 10, 2024

So in this video we're going to talk about where we all have artificial intelligence or AI in our lives.

And so before I go into where we're already seeing it and where we're likely to start seeing it more and more, I want you to pause this video and think if you can think of any places where artificial intelligence is already impacting your life.

All right, now let's think about this together.

So I'm guessing that many of you have interacted with a smartphone of some kind, and you might have said, "Hey Siri," or just pressed this button long enough, and it says, "Well what do you like?" And you talk to it.

Well, that is artificial intelligence.

AI, and once again, why is that AI?

Well, it seems intelligent. It can understand what you're asking it to do. It can find you information. It can do some tasks for you, so it seems intelligent, and it was definitely not natural—it's technology. It was made by human beings, so it is artificial intelligence.

I'm guessing many of you might also have interacted with devices in your house. You might have once again said, "Hey Siri," or "Hey Alexa," or "Google Home," or some other type of device, and it starts talking to you.

And you say, "What's the weather going to be today?" Or "How far is the Sun away from Earth?" And so once again, it seems intelligent. It's able to understand what you're saying. It even knows when you're calling on it.

It's kind of creepy that it's always listening, and then it's able to do tasks for you.

You might see AI when you make a web search. So if you go to some search engine and you do a search for, let's say, shoes, oftentimes, you're going to see a bunch of ads show up first, and then you're going to see a bunch of search results.

These results are usually not just the same results for everyone; they're based on what some artificial intelligence on the search engine side thinks that you are most likely to click on.

Now in the future, in future videos, we'll talk about how it knows what people are most likely to click on and how it optimizes around that, but you have artificial intelligence trying to figure out what to serve up to you.

You might look at some type of social media app, which I don't recommend spending too much time on it, but it's giving you a feed of videos, say on an app like TikTok, which once again I don't recommend spending a ton of time on it because there's literally an artificial intelligence in the background that's trying to feed you the thing that you are most likely to engage on.

And you might say, "Well, what's the big deal about that? I might just get entertained or whatever else," but you might also just get addicted to it.

It just keeps feeding you the things that it's seeing that other people like you are likely to keep wanting to watch.

And it not only might take up a lot of time that you could be spending outside being with real people, but it's also feeding you ads making you want things that you don't necessarily need.

It could be showing you things that are affecting your opinions in maybe the not most constructive way.

Maybe ways it's putting you—it's reinforcing opinions you already have, making it harder for you to see the other points of view.

And so we have to be very careful, but that's definitely a place where we are seeing artificial intelligence.

We also see it—you might think about self-driving cars.

If you think about a car, most of us view you have to be pretty intelligent to recognize things on the road, be able to read street signs, etc., etc.

But these cars have a bunch of sensors on them, depending on the type of self-driving car you're thinking about, where it's able to make sense of the images and other types of sensory input it has around it and do things that until recently people would have thought only a human could drive a car.

But now we actually have technology that can make sense of it.

Now these are all places where we're seeing artificial intelligence already affecting our lives.

Where is it likely to affect our lives more and more?

Well, there are applications that people have already come up with where maybe you could take a picture of—maybe you have a rash on your skin, and it could maybe help diagnose, maybe be an assistant to a doctor, or maybe in places where there aren't doctors help there.

Maybe read an x-ray or any other type of imagery to understand what's going on.

It could be used to create—many of you have seen videos where that have been created by AI.

You've seen images that have been created by AI, so it can—it's more and more going to be a creation tool.

You're going to see cases—and this is obviously something that we at Khan Academy take very seriously—where it could help you learn.

Tools like Kigo, which we have at Khan Academy, where it can act as a tutor—not give you the answer.

So I'll just write tutoring here.

Tutoring, it could not give you the answer but help you think about how to get there.

It could be a writing coach.

I guess that's a kind of tutoring—writing coach.

It could be a teacher's assistant.

I'll just write TA for short, where it could help a teacher develop lesson plans or grade papers or write progress reports.

So I'll leave you there.

This is just scratching the surface of where you already have artificial intelligence in your life but just might not realize it.

But it's good you do realize it because it's out there.

Some of it's useful, but you have to be careful with a lot of it, and it's going to affect your lives more and more and more in the years to come.

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