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If You Haven’t Solved These You’re Not as Smart as You Think You Are

11m read
·Oct 29, 2024

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich? If you're so smart, why aren't you happy, fit, or fulfilled? You see, Alexus, the only real IQ test is if you get what you want in life. If you haven't solved these, you're not as smart as you think you are.

Welcome to Alux, the place where future billionaires come to get inspired.

Number one: Getting ahead instead of playing catch-up. Getting ahead requires you to stop digging. It requires you to delay gratification. Beyond catching up with the present, this is where most people fail. At most, they get to now, but tomorrow they're already one day behind, so they constantly play catch-up. If you're smart, you don't feel like your life will eventually start. You realize your life has already started. This is it! You become successful when your past has put your present in a position where you're already making moves for the future. As long as you're still paying interest on your past decisions, it'll forever be hard to escape that cycle unless you decide that moment is now.

Number two: Making money while you sleep. Money is just basic fuel for life. It's time and energy stored in your account that you can deploy whenever you see convenient. Just like you plug in your phone overnight, and in the morning, you know you'll have a good day because that battery is at 100%. It's literally life-changing when you can do that with money. As long as you trade your time for money, you'll never be wealthy. You might be a high earner, sure, but not wealthy. An athlete is a high earner, but unless they perform on the field, they aren't bringing home that dough. If you're smart, you'll spend every second of your working hours building the thing that makes money while you sleep.

Number three: How to be happy without life being perfect. Life isn't perfect in its entirety. It might have little blissful moments of perfection, but if you don't know how to spot them, you're going to miss them because they're just going to flee on by you. Happiness is when your reality matches your expectations. There are two ways to go about this: either you level up your reality until every desire you have is fulfilled without adding any new ones, or you lower your expectations until they match what you already have. Some billionaires go after the first one, and some monks go after the latter. A smart person will find the balance between these two. Your second life begins once you realize you can have anything you want in life, but not everything. As long as you tie your happiness to the achievement of goals, you'll never be happy because that goal post will keep moving further along.

Number four: Work that doesn't feel like work. The truth is that growth still requires effort, grind, and pushing yourself beyond what's comfortable. This is the entry ticket. Once you pay that, you have a choice: if you want to maximize growth or optimize for enjoyment. This is the primary reason why we're helping thousands of people become millionaires with our app, so that they at least have the option to decide between going for another zero or living a beautiful life. A very small percentage of the population figures out something that eludes everyone else: how to make money doing something you would do for free. Someone who makes 100K a year doing something they enjoy is far richer than a neurosurgeon who hasn't been on a holiday in 10 years. It's just that it takes a while for that realization to kick in of how expensive of a price tag you're paying. This single idea has changed the way we think of retirement altogether. Let us explain in the next point.

Number five: How to stop trading today for an eventual tomorrow. You know our life changed once our definition of retirement changed. We wrongfully believe that retirement meant selling a company for hundreds of millions of dollars and then chilling all day long until we die. We were wrong. Okay, and you're probably wrong too if you think like that. True retirement is when you stop sacrificing today for future payoffs. True retirement is when today is the reward. Fully enjoying the present and not compromising because it'll lead to a superior outcome later on down the road is our new definition of success. So now we've become a lot more thoughtful of this trade that we're making: how much of today we're giving to the future and how much of it is a reward. Our goal is to gradually take from the future and give it to the present. If you want to join 200,000 CEOs, entrepreneurs, creators, or top managers going after this new version of retirement, go to apppp right now and download it. Fill in the long survey in the beginning, okay? Because it's worth it. It lets our time-tested algorithm be your guide. Even better, you can scan the QR code on screen right now, and you'll get 25% off your yearly subscription.

Number six: Having a support system around you through family and great friends. Success doesn't feel like success if there's no one to share it with. Success isn't success if nobody knows the real you. If you can't talk to anyone about what's happening, if you don't have anyone to laugh your heart out with, someone to cuddle in bed with, someone to be happy for. Having a support system means there's someone there to pick up the pieces after you've been shattered by life. Being mature and wise is the realization that you'll eventually play that function for someone else, and you're okay with it.

Number seven: How to maintain proper weight and increase mobility. Self-respect plays a big role in our perception of fulfillment. You can't respect yourself if you're not able to control yourself. A fit body means you can enjoy more of the world. Your organs function better, your senses are sharper. You'll live longer with less pain than anyone else. Sure, go to the gym and get your six-pack, get strong, and look great naked, but as our head of product recently put it, "a part of me is doing this so I can also just pick things up off the ground when I'm in my 80s." Why does your back hurt? Why do you think you don't sleep well? Why do you breathe heavily if you go up a flight of stairs? How come you've allowed yourself to get to a point in your life where you're comfortable with this? If you were smarter about your life, this wouldn't be an issue. So do something about it. To do that, there is another skill you need.

Number eight: How to override that little bit voice in your head holding you back. Because look, okay, it is in all of us, that little voice telling you to sit on the couch, eat those chips, and watch anime or dating shows on Netflix. It's the voice that whispers every morning to stay in bed an extra 30 minutes and hit that snooze button. It's the voice that says it's okay because the intention counts. Here's one of the biggest realizations you'll have: that voice in your head, it is not you. You are you, and that voice is like a passenger who doesn't care about you at all. Once you start treating that voice in your head like a passenger instead of the driver, you are back in control. It won't stop yapping, but at least you no longer allow it to change the direction of your life.

Number nine: How to be interesting and charismatic. You become cool by living life, by having stories to tell. Living is interesting to other people because everyone else is just surviving. In a world where the only things you have to say are just a photocopy of a photocopy on what you heard someone say about something else, having a real genuine experience and developing original thoughts is incredibly refreshing. So much so that people will gravitate toward you. You need to live and tell the story. Some of you are just now realizing, and you've gone your entire life so far without having one good story to tell. Wake up, okay? Life is supposed to be this grand adventure, and you haven't boarded the ship yet. Once you become comfortable in your shoes, then you master this next thing.

Number ten: How to be yourself around people without needing their validation. We all want people to like us because then we'd like ourselves. Just hearing those words said makes you think that as a society, we've got it backwards, right? But those are some true words. The proof is in the fact that you still carry a grudge with the people who don't like you. The paradox is that you want them to like you even if you don't like them. In this moment, you realize just how much power you've given them, right? If you're smart, you change the default of that desire. It'll take you decades to figure out how to be yourself, and if you solve most of the things on this list, you won't feel a need for their validation in the first place. They will be seeking yours.

Number eleven: How to sell a vision of something that only exists in your mind. Be it your business, your relationship with your partner, parents, or kids, for your life to go to the place you want it to, other people will need to jump into the same boat with you. Some people won't be able to see it unless you paint the picture for them. Belief is the precursor of achievement. One can't achieve anything they don't think is possible to achieve in the first place, so we're all in this business of belief. The belief that you will be faithful, that you'll keep your word and do what you said you'll do. The belief that you'll be there for me when things get hard and you won't pack your bags up and leave. When belief meets vision, that's when the magic happens.

Number twelve: How to have time for yourself. Slow down and enjoy the passing of time. Some of you crave alone time. Some of you haven't done anything just for yourself in decades. You got caught up in the current of life and can barely remember the days when all the time in the day was for you. Slowly but surely, other people's responsibilities and life chipped away at that block of time, and you're holding on to the dust of what's left. If you were smarter, you'd figure out how to get your time back. You could buy it if you've got enough money, but since you haven't solved number two on this list, making money requires you to give up more of your time, so no luck there. But let's say you do get there. You build the systems, you find the right people, the right structure, the planets align, and you're able to slowly add back more and more time for yourself. Some of you have forgotten how to be free and how to use it. True luxury is not being bothered by the passing of time. You don’t wish you were younger. You're not anxious about time going by too fast or not fast enough. You are content.

Number thirteen: How to make your intimate relationship flourish. A friend once told me about his failed marriage that it robbed him of solitude but denied him of companionship. The last thing you want is to be strangers with your husband or wife still living under the same roof. Nothing hurts more than being a prisoner in an unhappy marriage. As we're saying this, you might be thinking of divorce because society has programmed us to jump right to replacing a broken item instead of fixing it. If it's abuse, sure, get out of there and do whatever's right for you and the kids. But most marriages fade out because of neglect. You stop giving each other attention. You don't hold her hand. You don't find shelter in his arms, and eventually, both of you look to find that somewhere else. This is a failure on both of your parts. Both of you made an effort to get each other, and once you conquered, you both let it go when it's actually more important now than before. You know each other. It's easier to grow an existing fire by adding to it than to start one from scratch. If you're in a relationship or marriage right now, put in a little bit of extra work today without them asking and just see what happens.

Number fourteen: How to deal with pain, suffering, and work. As you mature, you realize you can't escape it. Okay, pain, suffering, and work are all essential parts of life. You can waste your existence trying to escape it, only to fail miserably, or you could accept it as a part of the ride. Once you do accept it, you can prepare for it. You can shape yourself into a person where you increase your pain tolerance, where you learn to process suffering and find work that is meaningful. If you'll never be able to escape work, what kind of work are you comfortable with doing for the rest of your life? Do that, and speaking of life, at the pinnacle of how smart you are, is this.

Number fifteen: Figuring out what you want your life to look like and living it. Smart people have a vision for their lives. They know what they want it to look like, what they want it to smell, taste, and feel like. These are the people who actually are able to make it a reality. Nobody—and we repeat, nobody—builds their dream life by accident. You first define it in as much detail as it is scary to tell everyone else. Break down the big milestones that would need to happen, and then you run for that first one and then the next one with the hunger of someone who's actually about to build their dream life. You won't get it immediately because the you in the present isn't the person worthy of that life. You become worthy by going toward it. You might not know that exact path yet, but you know the direction. As long as you keep moving in that direction, you will eventually get there. Right in the middle of going toward it, you'll have an aha moment when you realize you're actually doing it. You're actually getting closer, and that's where we hope we'll find you next, Aluer.

So looking at this list, which one is your next milestone? Let us know in the comments. And since this is a Sunday motivational video, of course there's a bonus at the end. The smartest people, they don't figure out for themselves; they have leveraged other people to figure out for them, and that's why you're watching this video in the first place. A small portion of you watching will apply this wisdom and will live better lives because of it. Everyone else, on the other hand, will just keep going the way they currently are. Change only comes when experience meets reality. Some of you are waiting for the experience to happen, which will force you to change. Those who want to get there faster pay people with experience to show them what works and what lurks in the shadows. The app that we built produces personal growth based on hundreds of thousands of people's real-life experiences. Our experts coach our community, and you guys apply it, and then we look at the data for you when our app suggests you some distilled pieces of wisdom. That's because people just like you have seen real measurable benefits applying it. This is what makes the Alux app so incredible. We're a community of hundreds of thousands of people growing together without ever meeting in person. If you go to slapp, chances are thousands of people from your country or with a similar background and goals are already making progress.

The best thing? It's free to use for 7 days. You don't have to pay anything today to watch it work for you. And since you're one of the true Alers watching this video until the very end, we've got something just for you. Once you're ready to take your growth seriously, scan this secret QR code, and you'll get a yearly subscription for only $99. That's $100 off the regular price as our way of saying thank you. If you think life is better when you go after it with other people instead of alone, write the word "together" in the comments. Let's see who's joining us on this journey.

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