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Mega Man's GUTS!!! Mind Blow 7

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

A woolly mammoth cloned in 5 years and let me get a Big Mac and a life jacket. Vsauce, Kevin here. This is mind-blowing!

Oh cool, it's Mega Man's gut. These anatomical statues show the innards of some of your favorite characters including Yoshi and victory is mine. Now, Stewie's head is not actually the Boston Market logo, but the LG logo just might. Eat ghosts and meatballs. Is that Frank Zappa's mustache or Toyota trucks? And is that the Dodge Ram logo or nice motorcycle? I wonder how fast that little baby goes.

Let's talk video game lookalikes. Terminator's Kyle Reese looks like the cover of Metal Gear. Big Boss looks like Sean Connery. The Rock and David Bowie look like just about everyone except King Hippo, who probably knew a thing or two about fast food secret menus. These are items not on the menu that you can order if you know about them.

Burger King has the Suicide Burger: four patties, four slices of cheese, bacon, and secret sauce. Fat Burger has the Hippocrite, which is a veggie patty topped with bacon. But In-N-Out tops them all with the 5x Five: five patties, five slices of ass. Screw it, let's do a 100x 100. Yeah, there we go!

Now, if you want a lighter snack, just take a laser beam and pop your popcorn one kernel at a time. This is the most powerful laser you can legally own, and you can buy it at the website you'll find in the links below.

Oh nice, it's Lola from GTA 4. Hey, how many fingers are you holding up? Six? E! Oh, and the Triforce is real. Seriously, just take out a $1 bill and you'll find it. And thanks to BuzzFeed, if you put your iPod earbuds up your nose, the music will come out your mouth.

[Music] Amazing! Finally, let's look at a brief history of [Music] gaming. Cool! It begs the question: what's the oldest retro gaming system that you own?

And finally, I'm going to leave you guys with the riddle. The first person to get the riddle right and explain how they got their answer will be featured at the top of Vsauce's Channel page as our genius of the week. If you're 12 ft from your car and each step brings you half the distance to your car, how many steps will it take to reach your car? Leave your answer in the comments below, and as always, thanks for watching!

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