A pizza topped with other smaller pizzas and Chewbacca gone bad. It's episode 6 of IMG. As fall approaches, BuzzFeed brings us pugs wearing jackets—103 pictures of pugs wearing jackets. But don't worry, by the time this cat catches the balloons, you will have seen them.
All taada! In the spirit of Halloween, check out these hair-o-lanterns. Funzo showed us art on nails—these kind of nails: delicious, refreshing, Pokey, sorry, Pokémon, browsy and trekky. But now let's just talk about thumbnails; the YouTube kind. You may have been impressed that I managed to fit two girls on this video's thumbnail—well, not quite. It's just one girl, Abby and Britney Hinel, who share two hearts but just one body.
I'd heard about them before, but it wasn't until yesterday that I found this treasure trove of pictures of them. If you want to see a video about the girls, check the link in the description below, which is where you'll find links to all the images in this show. In the video, the girls say they're interested in dating, and yesterday I found some great dating advice: first, shower with some beer soap and beer shampoo; dress formally; light a romantic beer-scented candle or eat by the light of a chandelier; finish off with some beer cupcakes; trade MP3s; and if you die of alcohol poisoning, get buried in one of these.
And gift break! Jump jump jump jump! Yeah, yeah! Oh, um, good night. assembled a treasury of animals with their heads or more stuck in things. This one actually happened to me in college when I heard 8-bit wood; I thought I'd fit right in. But no, it's really just that—wood sculptures of 8-bit wonders.
But now it's time machine time via Blaster: Keanu Reeves, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, George Lucas, and Jean-Claude Van Damme. These women used to be these men. So here's a challenge from the annual optical illusion contest: can you tell which one of these is a man and which is a woman? Trick question! They're the exact same face, but this one has higher than normal contrast and this one lower than normal. It's not actually clear yet why this makes such a difference.
Ambigrams are designs that can be read as one word or more from different viewpoints. Rotate this word and look! It still says ambigram. Play hard! Light is a particle—I mean wave! Oh look, my name! And come in, go away! For this one, sit a comfortable distance from the shape, then move your face right up next to it. It will appear to become brighter and then darker as you move back away—just like contrast and gender. The reason for this illusion is not quite known yet, but look at this: a bra that can be turned into a gas mask!
And while these cats morph into croissants, I'm going to shout out Facebook: It's where you guys can view and submit your own favorite images from the week. For instance, user JoJo taught me everything I needed to know ever in life.
And now it's time for a new section: my favorite YouTube thumbnails this week! It's Rhett and Link, Charlie, James 1975, and Jerry Bloop, who's here with me right now to discuss his favorite images. Jerry, hello!
Thanks, Steven Michaels! It's Michael Stevens. First up is the hottest pic on Google Maps—it's French fry land! I think that's France. Next up is a mind teaser: if you flip the Applebee's logo upside down, it spells ball. Last is a picture from National Geographic—it's Janice Bieber playing Call of Duty against Bruce Lee riding a unicorn!
Okay, not a single thing you just said is true—not even the verbs!
Okay, Jerry doesn't know what IMG is, but he also doesn't know how to review video games, and does that anyway. Click here to see what I mean! It's worth it. IMG will be back next week. Thanks for watching!