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Trying to Forget | Badlands, Texas

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Most of this little town here we call Terlingua is a large area, but we're like family, you know? We grew up together. The trial and what transpired before it, the Jers, they don't see that because they didn't have any interaction like we did. So that's why they have a different attitude than we do.

Been wanting to do this for quite some time. It's an old trailer; it needs a lot of work, but just cleaning up around the place helps it out a lot. Take out the trash.

We've had a guy down here—I'm not going to mention any names—but he was getting, you know, drinking a bit much, like whiskey and beer, and probably had some, you know, some of that stuff. He came up and was picking on the people on the porch. He comes up, and he kicks the dog, and then he slaps this lady, and then he grabs my friend and was throwing him against the wall.

That's when I first started using a cane. I told him to quit. I said, "Hey man, you know, lay off my friends. Just do a little basic ground there where I can walk without stepping on a snake." He just kept going, you know? He was so... I told him about three times, and the third time I whacked him with my cane, and well, it did him in.

But that's the problem we have with some of these people; they're just the way they are, and you can't change that. Even if you try, it doesn't do any good. Yeah, I guess I do for now. We're all trying to forget, but every once in a while, you have those memories that come back, and it's kind of hard to shake.

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