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Voyage Air Guitar on Good Morning America

less than 1m read
·Nov 7, 2024

There you go. Yeah, yeah, okay, and finally, this is for just finally. So check it out, so check it out. He's got it at full size right now, but this is how it comes. This is a Voyager guitar; it's foldable like this, but then it opens just like this.

Yeah, it tightens like this. This is an unbelievable model for somebody who's just starting to play guitar, someone who's already a pro. Like, these are on tour right now with Paul McCartney, Taylor Swift. Jimmy Buffett is a big fan.

I'd actually like to take this opportunity to announce my own twenty CD, your own. Right, exactly. All right, so regularly, these things are like, you know, two thousand dollar guitars that real professionals use. We've got a deal for you; it's regularly 3.99.

Kevin O'Leary is the Shark Tank investor on it. We're dropping it from 199.99. Pretty great, pretty amazing. It comes with this super cool case. Look, it's the size of a backpack! Who would have known that this guitar goes into that backpack?

Think ahead. Also, holidays, Christmas, I mean graduation! Really amazing gift. This could be your second job, right? I'm in real trouble actually.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, good job. Exactly. Last week, Sam tried out to be a manicurist. You've got the good times; you've got a whole lot more on Good Morning We got all the details on Shark Tank.

Don't miss—uh, don't make sure that Shark Tank is on tomorrow night, season finale at 8 o'clock, 7 central, right here on ABC.

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