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An Infinite Dilemma of Bliss and Suffering

less than 1m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Imagine a universe filled with an infinite number of immortal people living in Bliss. They love it; it is awesome. But each day, one of them is removed and sent away to a separate Universe of suffering forever.

Now, imagine a different Universe filled with an infinite number of immortal people who live in suffering, in constant Agony. It's all they know, but each day, one of them is removed and sent to live in Bliss forever.

Now, in that first Universe, no matter how many days have passed, no matter how many people have been sent to Eternal pain, there will always be more people who are happy than sad because their initial population was infinite. It's unending. However, each and every one of them knows that their day will come, that it will all come to an end in a finite amount of time. For some, it might be Googles of years, but it's not going to last forever. But the Eternal pain they're sent to will continue.

Now, conversely, in the other Universe, there will always be more people suffering, but they will each know that within a finite amount of time, they will escape.

Which universe is better?

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