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Snitches Get Stitches | Wicked Tuna

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Oh no, called the Coast Guard! Yo, Coast Guard's coming! You think that called the Coast Guard on you? Yeah, see that boat there? All my friends are on that boat. He set that out just for us. Safety is a big issue out here, and messing with people, you know, you just don't do it. We're getting paid by the Coast Guard. This will make my stress take a turn for the bed right now. Yeah, I'll be able to sleep now.

Oh yeah, they're on there. I hope he goes down. Just got really real. Yes, sir, Tyler, right? You want me to just get my book out right now? Just watching this. I'm getting pleasure. What's going on with you in the Doom? He threw a weight at us, 12 O' weight, and then we proceeded to cut one of his tuna lines.

Okay, she still can't destroy someone else's property. Pretty much screwed himself, you know? There's no need for this, man. Just had enough with that kid. I had enough. Just stay away from him. Yes, sir. Oh, absolutely. I hope he's wearing a diaper 'cause I'll get you $100.

He just—bye guys. He's a snitch, just like I said. Dude, he called the Coast Guard! What a cry baby! He called the Coast Guard! That's like running into the principal's office—snitches get stitches! Here he comes. We're steaming over to Dave right now, and I have no idea what Tyler's going to do.

You dark! The Coast Guard just told us to stay away from .com, and already Tyler's stirring the pot. Kid's nuts! Come on, tough guy! Come on! Is he serious? Come on, tough guy! Come on! Come on! You're a loser! No one likes you, bro. No one!

I just hope he hasn't started a war that he can't finish. You see his hat, dude? You know who wears that hat? Kind of person who's going right off the [Music] badge. I think he's really losing it.

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