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The Role of Management Tools to Build an Organization's Culture

less than 1m read
·Nov 8, 2024

I think the most important thing is to have the right culture, right the right values. How are you dealing with yourself, and how are you dealing with others?

So, in my case, I wanted meaningful work and meaningful relationships through radical truthfulness and radical transparency. In order to do that, I wanted to have tools—tools that not only would help people do it, but would assure that they would do it. You know, when you pass along ideas and you just say, "Oh, do this, do this," they're all going to forget that, and that won't affect their behavior.

But on the other hand, when they are using the tools that will help to direct their behavior as well as give you the information that you want, so one of the important things I wanted for example, I want to know what everybody thought and why they thought it—to create this idea meritocracy.

And so, for example, I created a DOT collector so that everybody could express their thoughts, and we can analyze those thoughts and even look at how they think. So, tools that reinforce the behavior as well as serve the purposes that they're created for—like understanding what people's views are or understanding how they think—those types of things are important.

I wrote about a bunch of those tools in the back of my book, and I'm going to be putting out more of those tools so that everybody can use them.

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