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Gordon Eats Honey Ants | Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

3m read
·Nov 11, 2024

GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): I'm in the hills outside Wahaka, and my guides Omar and Pepe are introducing me to one of their favorite snacks. OK.

GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): I can't say I share their enthusiasm. It's very pasty. It's very mealy. It's— Did it taste like butter to you? Butter? No, it tasted like sawdust, gone warm, creamed up and—

Pepe. [speaking spanish] [beep] Wow, they're really good! Um, not for me. I feel kind of bad that you didn't like them, and I'm going to give it a second try if you're up for it. Something also very, very unique and interesting. Let's go. It can't be difficult on the back of that liquid worm. Everyone will compete on Gabriela's manner. Even though they're not my cup of tea, I gotta think of a way of using those worms.

OMAR: For sure it's going to be sweeter.

GORDON RAMSAY: Sweeter? Unique also. What are we looking for?

OMAR: We're looking for honey ants.

GORDON RAMSAY: Honey ants?

OMAR: Yes. Here?

GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): Omar tells me that these ants come out at night and collect nectar from the plants and trees around them to produce their own kind of honey. That's the food for the rest of the colony. But how do you get the honey from them?

OMAR: Oh, you just put it in your mouth and as he's put in your mouth, they're going to pop.

GORDON RAMSAY: Bloody hell.

OMAR: The cool thing is that the ant doesn't die, so you just pop it, drink the honey, and then you just put the ant back into the hole.


OMAR: Yeah.

GORDON RAMSAY: Oh, there's some ants. That's a good sign. OK.

OMAR: Go for it. Just lay down on the floor. Gordon.

GORDON RAMSAY: Oh my god, look how many we found. [speaking spanish]

GORDON RAMSAY: That's all honey?

OMAR: Yeah.

GORDON RAMSAY: It looks like a ball.

OMAR: Yeah, it's their belly.


OMAR: Yes. And there are more hanging down here. [speaking spanish]

GORDON RAMSAY: There's one there.

OMAR: In the hole at the top. Oh my god, they're all there. There's a hole full of sacks. How beautiful are they?

OMAR: Wow. Wow, that's plenty.

GORDON RAMSAY: 1, 2, 4, 5. They're all different sizes too.

GORDON RAMSAY: They're beautiful. Why aren't they biting?

OMAR: Because they're Wahakans, they're friendly.

GORDON RAMSAY: The actual sack is connected to the body. And they're a little balloons, aren't they?

OMAR: They look like amber, no? So just bite the belly.

GORDON RAMSAY: You just literally suck on its sack?

OMAR: Yeah. [beep] That's [beep] delicious.

OMAR: Yes. It tastes like sort of sweet honey, strong cider, vinegar. Before my main course, this one's my appetizer.

[interposing voices]

OMAR: Oh. Just go for it.

GORDON RAMSAY: It's pretty unique, isn't it?

OMAR: Yes. And he's still alive. It's sweet. So how come it's so sweet?

OMAR: Because of what they collect at night. All of the flowers and the nectar from the different plants around them.

GORDON RAMSAY: And would you cook with them, or just—

OMAR: I think it would be really hard for you to collect a lot of them.

GORDON RAMSAY: Yeah. The ants were delicious, but I can't transport them. Because you suck that belly off the ant. That's a little treasure. A little nugget of magic that Wahaka has as a secret ingredient that I can't take.

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