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What Genetic Thread Do These Six Strangers Have in Common? | National Geographic

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

People have always asked me, kind of like where I'm from, what my race is, and I was not totally sure. [Music] I identify as mixed: white, black, and Native American African-American. But my mom would say, "You're black, but you're also white." I didn't understand what that meant; other something different? Not quite black, not quite white. I identify as mixed race, but I don't think the world sees me as mixed race.

32% Northern European, 28% Mediterranean, 21% Sub-Saharan African, 14% Southwest Asian. [Music] Very—they all look like they're related to me. This looks like my family, like literally. You have how familiar they feel, honestly. [Music]

I have no idea why this makes me emotional. I mean, there's tremendous diversity in how we look, but yet I could see that I could be related to any one of them. The one where did I get the most is unique, and that's what all these people sorta have in common.

My dad used to joke and say, "Uh, you're black Irish. Oh, you're black Irish!" And guess what? I'm like, "Oh, we have a lot more in common than we have differences." One person is not just one race. [Music] You.

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