MTV News Rocks the Vote | Generation X
You have the right to vote music or lose it. Rock the Vote comes along at the same time MTV's fledgling news department is finding its legs.
Hi, I'm Kevin de Sauron and this is MTV News. The second of three presidential debates was held Thursday night; it's a perfect pairing. Welcome back to MTV's Enough is Enough form with the president. There wouldn't have been any station in the middle of the country or any major network who would have hired me with this hair.
And it isn't just different hair; MTV News has its own distinct style from the beginning. Welcome back to our chooser Liu's special, The Home Stretch. When we did have a chance to sit down with the president, it was so early in the morning he was still drinking his morning coffee and eating a doughnut. It was very unselfconscious.
I was expected to act my age. The message isn't really getting through abstinence. Well, I'm a little concerned about thirteen-year-old pregnancies; maybe others are. Well, I'm very much concerned, man.
Finish boy; it was full of really scrappy people and people who had to really foster their identities on their own. For the first time ever, Xers are out in the world flexing some political muscle and holding politicians accountable. Interviewing Bill Clinton, I stumped him once in a question where he actually didn't know the answer. Who'd have ever thought Tabitha Soren stumped Bill Clinton, Mr. Policy Wonk?
And because Xers are holding the mics, we get to shape the message. We take you and your issue seriously; you should take you and your issue seriously.