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The Future of Crypto Under President Trump #shorts

less than 1m read
·Nov 7, 2024

Most of the moves you're seeing, including in Bitcoin, are around lifting of the regulatory weight that's been put on in the previous administration. About a trillion dollars has been pulled out of this, and this will be very good for every sector, including energy. We just detailed that. But crypto specifically started to happen just before 1:00 in the morning. It trades 24/7; it's an index for a regulated environment for financial services in the US, which will bring in a huge amount of institutional capital.

I have been involved in this sector for years and years, and you know, before he even gets into it, I was against Bitcoin years ago. The first debate I ever had was with him on it. I've reversed my position obviously, and for a good reason. But what this means—let me give you some of the rumor mill going on this morning: the CFTC is going to take a bigger role in regulating all tokenization and digital payment systems.

They're looking for a new master of disaster, if you want to call it that, someone to take on the role of that. It won't be so much SEC focused, and so we're very excited about that in the crypto industry. For me, it's digital payment systems—what a great place to invest! So, I have put money to work in Circle, USDC, and other infrastructure investments. It's fantastic.

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