Making Grilled Cheese at the Bottom of the World: A Day in the Life of a Scientist | Continent 7
My name is Paul. This is lunch in Antarctica. Everyday welcome to the kitchen, sits next to the science disc. I live on cheese toasties, so we make that’s lunch. My puppy here, three or four a day. It’s got a bit of cheese here. You can either use this or you can just use this stuff scattered all over the table.
So then all you've got to do is find all the ingredients, which would be twelve people on site. There can be anywhere, that’s part of the mission. So got to find bread, which is usually somewhere around here. All right, who hit the bread? Here’s some more.
So then we have butter, a bit of butter there. So then we need cheese, and we also need salami, which might be in the fridge. Where’s the fridge? This outside, it’s quite big. Come with me, we’ll go to the fridge.
All right, so this is the fridge. Somewhere in one of these chili bins, it does defrost. It’s not ideal. All right, look at that, success! We’re out of the fridge; too cold in the fridge, back into the team.
I found good stuff! Yeah, this is the good stuff. Let’s check the do a similar used by the 6th of June 2013. That was three years ago, salami. All right, cheese relish, this is good stuff. Get that and a bit of that on that.
Covers all the food groups, from the base of the pyramid to the top. That’s all of them. That’s the works, grains. It’s paying that in there. Now we wait.
Well, you don’t really use plates; we use bowls because we don’t have to do dishes. So we eat breakfast, lunch, dinner with the spoon and a bowl when you have to do dishes. Because you can lick the spoon, that’s clean.
Paper towel, bowl is clean, done! Just baby wipes, paper towels, and spit—that’s a clean spoon. Got my sandwiches, just like you. Oh no, one’s a vegetarian one there.
There you go, that’s good, that’s good. That’s gonna be hot. What’s? Yeah, release the goodness first, the heat. There’s a lot of anger in there, that’s hot!
Oh no, I said first cook never gets old. That’s always good. It’s the only reward after a day of work. This was all you dream of when you’re in the field.