Never Let A Man Control Your Financial Destiny
50% of marriages within 7 years fail, not because of infidelity, but because of financial stress. The other issue that's so important after you turn 18 as a woman is that you have to maintain a financial identity in our system. Yes, if you don't have a credit card and you're not paying it off every month, you have no credit score.
You get divorced from your husband, and you're a nobody in the system. It's a huge mistake. The way to solve it is for each of the couples to have their own credit cards and a communal credit card that each puts $22,000 a month into to pay the rent and everything else. Then, if there's a financial issue with a significant other, it's their problem on their credit score, not yours.
See, you're controlling that combo account by putting a limit on it. Never, never, never let a man control your financial destiny.
How about married filing separately? Do you recommend that as well?
No, you can file taxes as married, but you have to have your own investment account in your name. Taking 15% of your income every year and putting it into the American Market gives you 8 to 10% in perpetuity. It's got to be in your name.