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One-Child Policy | Original Sin: Sex

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

In a push to strengthen civilized behavior in 2016, the Chinese government bans Internet videos of women eating bananas erratically. Putting the brakes on sexualized bananas is a mild restriction compared to China's most notorious anti-sex regulation. Women were forced to undergo abortion and sterilization, and when families tried to resist the policy, their houses were torn down.

In the second half of the 20th century, China's communist leaders became deeply concerned about their nation's exploding population. Everything that went wrong in China was because China had too many people. Population must be controlled with the most extreme measures. In September 1980, the Chinese government announced that from that day on, with few exceptions, couples were allowed to have only one child. Women were required to undergo monthly examinations. In some villages, women's menstrual cycles were posted in public. Because of the traditional Chinese preference for sons, girl babies were often aborted. Within a few years, the words for brother and sister would disappear.

In my view, the single child policy will lead to a very selfish society. If you do not observe the one-child rule, you could lose your job. For 35 years, China strictly enforced the one-child policy. Then, in January 2016, China finally repealed the severe program. By then, the damage had been done. Sex-selective abortion resulted in a Chinese population with as many as 30 million more men than women. I think one of the main lessons learned is the danger for the government to go so far into people's bedrooms.

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