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Closing Remarks at Startup School NY 2014

2m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Wow, it is a good thing we closed the show with Chase and Watsi. I am so proud that Y Combinator started accepting non-profit applications, and we could not have had a better inaugural non-profit than Watsi. If any of you are starting a non-profit, or have friends who are, you all are just as welcome to apply to YC, as you are—would be with your for-profit start-ups.

Well, this is it, it's all over. It's not totally over; we got some mingling and some pizza afterwards, uhm, but before we get there I have a couple announcements. One, Cameroon has lost 4-0. Yeah, it was not close. Uh, unfortunately, Croatia were the victors.

Now, in other news, uh, this whole event, this was a first-time effort here in New York, and I could not be happier, but I want all of you to let us know—everyone who was on stage, please tweet at them with questions. You can tweet @YCombinator, we are reading those. You can tweet at me @AlexisOhanian. We want the feedback cause we want to keep doing this, we want to keep improving.

And uh, an event like this doesn't happen without the work of a lot of amazing people. So first I want to thank all the speakers who came up here. I want to thank the start-ups, cause those start-ups—please—[applause]. Yes, I will, I will clap through this. The start-ups who came up here and presented, they were just randomly chosen from the audience, okay? So on top of all that pressure, they were just attendees just like all of you. I'm clapping for them yes.

And finally, all the people here behind the scenes who made this work. All the people at the Best Buy Theatre rock, and the cameras, the sound, and then everyone at Y Combinator, and in particular, Tara, Arina, and Kat, for putting on this amazing event. So please, thank you to all of you. Really made this, made this wonderful, and uh, and of course to you all. You all made this great, and I hope this is like I said...

We'll clap, we should clap for you guys too. Let's, yes, thank you. Like I said please keep the feedback coming, please keep the conversations coming, and remember this isn't the last time. This isn't gonna be the last start-up school; in fact, we're doing one in London next month, if you guys fancy a trip across the pond. There will be another one in the valley a few months from now.

And we're actually having the first-ever Y Combinator Hackathon, which you can still apply to. Uh, August 2nd and 3rd, please go online and apply if you want to come out to the valley. The pizza's not as good, but the Hackathon should be a lot of fun, it's our first-ever effort, and so finally, guys again thank you so much for coming out, please keep the feedback coming, please keep the conversations coming, and yes, there is pizza.

And the best way to get it is through either one of these side exits. You will not be left behind. I guarantee you there'll be a slice of pizza waiting for you. Thank you again, thank you so much. Have a wonderful night.

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