Our New Application (Now Availible)
Matt Kids 101 here. Today, this is going to be a brief walkthrough of our new application that has now become available. There'll be a link in this description to download. I'll just go to it in Safari, and it will download our application. You can just click the "Show in Finder" button and drag it onto your desktop. I would like you to have it on your desktop because it's annoying to have it in your applications.
Okay, so now it's on my desktop: macis101.app. Just open it up and click "Open." The first time you open it up, it'll ask you if you would like to allow or deny connections to the internet. You just want to click "Allow" when that message comes up. Whenever that message comes up, you click "Allow."
So now you'll see a few things: it's latest Mac 801 news. This gets updated daily and even hourly, depends. And our description, our current icon, and a little blurb. This is just like an information blurb, like a little post that we just added all the time. So, um, you can refresh to download new data.
Um, there are a bunch of cool features you have on this. For instance, if you go up into Mac Heads 101 preferences and you check, let's say, "Vibrate Mac Heads 101 Picture," you have to click "Apply." Then you click "Refresh" to refresh all your settings. Matt Kids 101, the icon will be vibrating. That's just a cool feature. Um, so that's pretty nice.
Um, there is also "Get Updates on Load." Sort of annoying just when it loads. It will automatically download updates. Like when you open it, it'll automatically download updates. If you uncheck "Get Updates on Load" in the preferences, like I have, it'll say "News Not Downloaded." Click "Refresh" to download about "Not Downloaded." Click "Refresh" to download current online status, all that stuff.
Um, then you click "Refresh," and you'll get it. And here's that message that asks you if you want to allow or deny once again. You can just, you should click "Allow." Um, you may or may not get that depending on your firewall settings and security settings. But anyway, this is a very useful thing.
You can also get and download updates. So I'm going to upload an update. So I've uploaded an update. I can just click "Refresh" or reopen Mac Heads 101, and you'll see I have to enable "Get Updates on Load." Just apply this, quit it, open it back up. It'll say "Update Available." Click "Update" to download update to desktop; there's an update button right there.
Now this update button, you'll click it, wait a few seconds, and then you'll see macheads101app.zip on your desktop. You can just open that up, and here's the latest version of the Mac Heads 101 app. You can delete the current version of the Mac Heads 101 app from your desktop because now you have the latest version on your desktop. So that's pretty cool.
So that's what it means by "Updates are click away." You can just download the zip file for the Mac Kids 101 app. So this is pretty cool. Um, I'll just quit this. So that's, um, a Matt Kids 101 app in overview. There may be updates in the future, in which we will have videos on. Remember, you can just click "Update" at any time, and it'll update to the latest version, download the update to the desktop. Then you can just do whatever you want with the latest version on your desktop.
Um, so thank you for watching Mac Heads. Um, subscribe and, uh, goodbye!