Adobe CS5 Major News
Hey guys, this is Matt. Kids, no one with a big major announcement about what has just been announced! Adobe, as you may or may not know, the company that owns and distributes Flash, is announcing an update to CS4. It's not actually an update; it's a whole new CS, a whole new Creative Suite called CS5.
Well, we don't know how long it's going to be, but they've already told us a few things about it. So I'm going to be focusing on one thing and discussing that one thing, and you can comment your thoughts and points about this.
So first of all, you can make iPhone apps with CS5! That's right, anyone who can make a Flash app can make an iPhone app with CS5. Now that means if you own a PC and you have CS5, you can still make an iPhone app, which in my opinion, and in Apple's opinion, is not good. Because Apple’s already tried to limit iPhone programmers to Mac with their Xcode and all their magic stuff.
So if all of a sudden CS5 lets you make apps, then there will be PC users, all sorts of random apps will be coming in. They won't look nice at all, and you know, it'll just be a mess.
So let's go over when you're a developer, you know about their guidelines on what an app has to be like in order to be accepted. The app has to follow the user interface guidelines. So when people make apps with Flash to submit them to the iPhone App Store, it will be um difficult to get that app accepted.
And that's what Apple is hoping for, because the app has to conform with their user interface guidelines, and that means that the app has to look the way Apple wants it to look. It has to use the UI kit, which is the user interface that Apple has put on the iPhone. They want you to use that!
So, for instance, if your Flash app that you're making for the iPhone uses a text box, it probably won't be accepted. Um, that's one example. If you don't use the regular buttons and you use some kind of weird crappy drawn button like I see most interface or online Flash games use, at least then it probably won't be accepted.
You probably can't take advantage of the accelerometer, and you probably cannot take advantage of the image picker or the camera or the microphone. And you might not even be able to play sounds properly, but I think you will be able to.
So anyway, this is about CS5. It's going to be major! I think Apple’s going to end up being sued by Adobe, and you know, all the stuff, and it's just going to turn out to be a total mess.
So um, comment your thoughts, ideas. Um, so anyway, thanks for watching! Mackinson1, subscribe, and goodbye!