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A Dark Web Narcotics Seizure | To Catch a Smuggler

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Right now, we've been seeing a huge increase from people ordering stuff off of the dark web.

CUSTOMS OFFICER 1: The dark web is a criminal flea market anyone with the internet can access. There was a big website back in the day, Silk Road. My understanding is that was taken down, but there are other versions of it.

CUSTOMS OFFICER 1: You can purchase drugs, weapons, stolen credit card numbers, and virtually anything illegal on this marketplace. [urgent music playing] They can go on the website, they can create fake IP addresses, the demand is here. Anything that you buy on the dark web has a potential to be the most dangerous drug out there. You might think that you're buying ecstasy, and it could be fentanyl. You don't know what it is. [urgent music playing]

CHIP: Sprinkles for ice cream.

CHIP (VOICEOVER): We noticed some anomalies on the X-ray. Could be coffee, could be pills. Pills from Spain. Two packages from the same sender. Approximately the same quantity in each one. I'm going to have to take it inside and use a field test kit. This is a test kit for MDMA and ecstasy. Positive results should be very dark blue to black. Dark blue, positive test. Take it over and weigh it. [urgent music playing]

CHIP: We've called HSI, and the agents will be here shortly to pick these up for a possible controlled delivery. We've seen a number of these going to numerous locations throughout the United States. Some of them going to New York, some of them going to Vegas.


HSI OFFICER: Hey Chip, how are you doing?

CHIP: Got two, going to New York.

HSI OFFICER: Appreciate your help, thank you.

CHIP: Anytime.

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