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Welcome Aboard, Bluefin | Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

We see good enough. You want to turn those big lights off? We'll go ahead and put your stick out.

Wearing it out this morning, feeling refreshed, feeling good. After yesterday, the breeze makes it cold out here. The benefit turned out great; I really think people that put it on let me be a big help.

But right now, we know that we have to catch fish to pay the bills. Oh boy, look at that! He's gotta go now. Call boys renamed S1. You scared the fool out of me, man! All right, thank you.

Wow, come to death! Come on, baby, 75-inch, say anything! I think he's digging up. If he's big enough, times that darn in it. Come on, girls, it's coming up! It's coming up!

Off and get him on! Forgettable one more; we need this one. Started our crow the doors. I don't get him; get him! Pretty words. Where do you work? Good dog! Good dog!

That fish wasn't going down without a fight. He may just work for it, but if we got to work for it, that's what we're here for. Yes, you bat to 483, baby! Thank you!

Good job, everybody! Good job! Anytime you catch a fish, it gives you a boost of confidence. This fish really means a lot to us; you know, it is complete us in the right direction.

See, rolling a hundred answer, but she's plenty big. Let's get him on there. Let's get everything set back out and hopefully go from number two. Welcome aboard!

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