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Free Higgs!

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

[Music] to [Music] do [Music] me SP [Music] yeah twice right let's go yeah that's the H right there that's what we like we do yeah yeah yeah.

Now, congratulations to you! Thank you. What is the Higgs Boson? It is a particle, and it describes the stuff about the 12 other particles and stuff. Hey, look at that! That's fantastic!

And something about five Sigma. There's only 12 fundamental matter particles in the universe, and you're made of only three of them. You know which three? No? You guys are made of the up quark, the down quark, and the electron. So if you take two up quarks and a down quark, that makes a proton. Two down quarks and an up quark, that makes a neutron. Oh, that's a good point!

Then, the Higgs interacts with these particles to give them their mass. So it's a particle postulated to explain why we don't go the speed of light. So light zips through the universe.

So Higgs are stopping me from being great, basically? It's the Higgs stopping you from going the speed of light. Higgs is slowing you down! Like, you should love Higgs! Come on, you should love...

So far, Higgs seem like they're not really SP. That sounded awesome! That's it! Like, it's like you're in a constant embrace with the Higgs field.

Okay, see what I'm saying? The Higgs is giving you that constant hug, so you can't get away. But that's okay 'cause it's warm and cozy with the Higgs. Now, in celebration, I'm going to increase my mass and thereby increase my interaction with the H field.

Thank you for the nice little lesson! I'm fantastic—knowledge of me everywhere! Fantastic! You've got the whole universe in your pocket. Happy High-End Day! 1, 2, 3 [Music] 4ssss [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sh.

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