What Do You Want in Life?
Who are you and what do you want? Well, here's where I came from. This is my past story. Here's some terrible things that happened to me that I'm afraid of even thinking about. That's psychoanalysis in large parts. Like, what terrible things happened to you in the past that you haven't dealt with, that you're still afraid of?
Well, let's confront them. Maybe you have a terrible memory of your father threatening you at the dinner table when you're five, and you're like paralyzed out of your skull. That memory comes back time and time again, and it makes you sweat.
Bring it to mind. Well, I'm too afraid. It's like, no, no, bring it to mind for a second. Close your eyes for a second. Can you imagine that table? It's yes. Now you've switched the person.
Because the memory was grabbing them like a victim and shaking them, they flipped the situation around. Now they're grabbing the memory. If the memory leaps out of the darkness and confronts you, you go defensive, and that's a whole mode of psychophysiological being and perception. If you do it voluntarily, you're a different person when you do it.