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Khan Stories: Claudia

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

My name's Claudia and I'm currently a freshman at MIT. I'm from South Florida and now my journey continues here.

My family is from the Azores Islands, which are in the middle of the Atlantic. Just knowing that where my family comes from and the lack of education they've built me up with such important skills of interpersonal communication, team building, leadership.

And now it's just my turn to take this and put it in an academic context. Being a first-generation high school graduate, first-generation college student, I didn't really have that background of really good testing skills or just the role models around me to really show me how to do things academically.

Getting the academic support had to come from somewhere, and Khan Academy being online, being free and available, having the SAT prep, even pairing up with the College Board, I was able to get accurate, very, very closely related questions. So when I was on the test, nothing was a surprise.

Whenever it's free, it's open, it's fair. I have that fire in my stomach that I know that this is where I want to be; this is what I want to do. I have so many opinions and so many things I find wrong with the world, and I really know that this is a place where I can grow, learn, and gain even more skills to be able to do just that.

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