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This is the World’s Most Expensive Spice | National Geographic

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] [Music] This is a farm in Horizonte's in north-east of Iran. Saffron is known as the most valuable plant in the world and has been growing in Iran for thousands of years. Saffron stems from Iran's history, knowledge, and experience. Aboard, saffron has been conveyed and developed from generation to generation. Since saffron does not need too much water to grow, it fits Iran's climate.

[Music] Iran is currently the biggest saffron producer in the world, with a production of 360 metric tons of dry saffron per year and has more than 90 percent share of the global production. Representatives said Iranian saffron is, undoubtedly, the best in the world. [Music] [Music]

Saffron is used in traditional medicine for improving the cardiovascular system and creating joy. Many effects, such as being anti-cancer, improving memory, improving sexual potency, and many other medical benefits, have been found in saffron. [Music]

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