How to Solve the Scorpion Issue | Primal Survivor
Whoa, look at that! Look at that scorpion right there! There are over 1,700 types of scorpion, but the ones that can kill people live in the desert. I have experience with species like this and know how to avoid getting stung by careful handling. Wow, that is a venomous predator, so well adapted to live in this area of the world where not very many other animals can live.
These guys come out at night, and if I was to accidentally step on this guy, I'm apt to get stung. Worldwide, around 5,000 people die every year from scorpion stings. The neurotoxins they unleash can be 10 times more powerful than cyanide. But I'm getting it out of here—it's far away from where I'm sleeping.
However, where there's one, there might be others, so I'm taking no chances. For the bear nomads, they make this; it's called Catrin.
Catrin is an anti-scorpion agent made to an ancient Berber recipe. A mix of desert woods is superheated inside a closed container. The resultant blend of saps and resins coalesces into a black viscous liquid with a pungent smell. This is a traditional technique whose origins are lost, but which has been passed down through many generations.
It's very smelly; it's almost like a tar. But you put a little bit of this around where you sleep, and scorpions will not cross this smelly stuff. This will solve my scorpion issue!