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Race to Get on the Water | Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks

3m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Yo, really? Oh boy, thanks for the info. Oh man, I don't know if I wanted to get that phone call. What do you think, Reba? I just heard from another fishing pal of mine that the friends he got out today and they're hooked up. We just traveled a long way to get here. I did not anticipate getting here and have to go fishing immediately.

I got to get my riggers out! Like, man, it's real up. I got a lot of stuff I got to get right from Gloucester Harbor. It's about 580 miles down here, so we've got a lot of expenses built up already that we need to start paying off. That means we're going fishing tomorrow.

But of course, what's - it? Fisher here, Frenzies hooked up. That's where he does it every year. Somebody came to me and said, "Greg, got a fish?" Now I know that it's game on. It's time to go! I know it's been a grind from the first thing this morning, getting all that stuff switched over: top shot, oil change, steering coolers, all of the other stuff.

Anybody, we get over here, get a nice, get our fuel, and that's gonna be about the last of it, isn't it? Yes sir, we'll get a jump in the morning. Sounds like a plan to me, brother. Let's get 'em, miss you boys!

Oh, oh! She's shaking, that ain't good! A lot of people saying that all mana Fisher here early. Having said that, I'm glad they're here. I wish I were out there today fishing, but I'm dead in the water right now. We got a gauge that's giving us a hard time. Hopefully, it's just one little cinder that's got us fouled up.

I spent $50,000 on my boat to get everything ready to go for this season. I was gonna get a new truck, now we're gonna, we got a new motor instead. I want to make sure everybody gets paid. I'm gonna make sure everybody gets paid, and so we have to push when we can so that we can pay the bills.

Just spend a lot more money on my boat than I planned on, but it's part of it. Everybody's all wound up, but we're still stuck in the boatyard, trying to get this last-minute stuff finished up. So hopefully we can get out there and get fishing them off. I'm ready to go fishing! I'm ready for this to be behind me. I'm really excited to go fishing. I'm so happy to be down here.

When I heard the Bluefish showed up, Nick and I, when we got here, and we're ready to go. My mate this season is Nick Fudge, but everyone calls him Duffy. Yeah, I've known Duffy for a long time, and we haven't always seen eye to eye. But we only see eye to eye, but we can both see out of one eye, and we had all we need to catch a tuna, baby!

Last night we got into a little bit of a disagreement. We hashed it out, but we're here to catch tuna fish! This is we're here for bottom line. Duffy's here to work, and that's what we gonna do. Him and I, we're good, we're a dream team. He doesn't know too much about the inlet, and it's gonna horrify him a couple times.

But I'll tell you one thing, I know he's got confidence and faith in me and my abilities as a captain and my abilities to keep him safe. And that's why he's trusted me to bring him down here to fish out of the most dangerous inlet in the world.

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