Growing Up Around Genocide | The Story of Us
Today, I'm here in Seven Itza, but you get my son Raja. Hi, Morgan. It's a pleasure to meet you. Pooja, welcome.
What in the world happened here? So, Morgan, what actually happened here? It's a genocide. This border of Serbia is near, ah, very, very, very close. They came here; they wanted to kill everybody and just gather to give this territory to separate it from Bosnia. That's it decided to serve.
Yeah, yeah. The Serbian army collected all women, men, and children into these factories over there. From there, they were separated, and men and boys—they took them all around these mountains to kill them. From there, they started the mass killing, you know, 1,000 people at a time, to mass graveyards, nice clothes. Soon after, NATO bombing helped in the war, but it was too late to save the victims of Srebrenica.
So you were five, six years old? I was six years old, and there were a lot of boys my age that were killed that day here. I still can't believe, like, how is it possible for people to be blind because of their own belief? How can they not see this humanity? For me, it's like unimaginable that people who can do this kind of ethnic cleansing—entire family lines were wiped out here. [Music]