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Q&A With Grey: One Million Subscribers Edition

8m read
·Nov 7, 2024

Hi. So I think this is the part where I'm supposed to have a dramatic opening, perhaps the 2001 theme song playing in the background as the number 1,000,000 fades into view, but obviously that's not happening. Don't get me wrong, I'm lucky that so many people want to watch my videos. It's just that one million is a number too large to be comprehended with a monkey-derived brain. To try and have it feel more real, I've taken some YouTube data and made a spreadsheet! (I make lots of spreadsheets.) You can select your country and enter the population of the city where you live, and it will spit out the statistically approximate number of other people in that city who are subscribed to this channel.

Doing that for London shows there are about 9,000 people in the city who are subscribers. Now 9,000 is obviously smaller than one-million, but it's a number with constraints and is small enough to possibly be understood while still large enough to be very intimidating. So, if you're interested, you can click here to play around with the spreadsheet. Now, as promised: on to the Q&A.

What do you like most about being a YouTuber?

The best thing about this strange new world is the people I've met -- which is quite the statement for a social recluse to make. All these guys are amazing to talk with and I feel very lucky that I get the occasional chance to do so.

What's the biggest change of opinion you've had?

That's a little too personal to share with say, one-million people, but I do want to talk about the importance of being able to change your mind in general. The trick is to keep your identity separate from your opinions -- they are objects in a box you carry with you and should be easily replaceable if it turns out they're no good. If you think that the opinions in the box are who you are, then you'll cling to them despite any evidence to the contrary. Bottom line: If you want to always be right, you need to always be prepared to change your mind.

Were you trying to create a unique aesthetic by using stick-figures?

--Waggles_ 20
No, it's just that I can't draw.

After moving to London how long did it take until you stopped saying 'Math' and started saying 'Maths'?

I haven't -- I'm sticking with 'math.' Americans living in the UK often end up with an unfortunate accent I call 'pseudo-british.' I try very hard to avoid this, but when you've spent the majority of your talking time with British people over a decade, it's impossible to completely fight the creeping pseudo-british accent no matter how abhorrent you think it makes you sound.

Did your students know about your YouTube channel?

I would never talk about it, but I know some of them knew. However, it's impossible to express how little they cared. My classes were like not hour-long CGP Grey videos.

Would you like to see the interrobang more widely adopted?

Who wouldn't‽

Why don't you have an upload schedule?

Right: the big question. Usually phrased in the YouTube comment section as 'y u no make moar vids'? So on average, over the past couple of years, I've posted a 'Grey Explains' video about every five weeks, which means if I could switch to a weekly schedule my income would quintupple. Trust me, I would if I could. I've talked before about how long it takes to make these videos, but one of the other problems I haven't mentioned is the failure rate of projects. For every video you see, there's at least two or three that didn't make it. Most of the time that's just a lost afternoon of working on an idea before realizing it's a dud, but sometimes it's weeks before a fatal flaw reveals itself -- sometimes I'll discover too late a central fact of the video isn't correct or, sometimes the whole script is just unfixably boring.

Either way, the decision to kill a video that isn't working is depressing and frustrating because of the sunk cost of all those hours. The videos you see are (mostly) pretty good precisely because I try my best to kill the ones that weren't -- that's why there isn't a schedule, and there never can be.

What's the biggest video you killed?

The most time I lost was on an important video to convince the world why Settlers of Catan is the greatest board game ever made. I had a couple thousand words as a starting point, harassed people for footage of a now-famous game that took place at YouTube EDU, got a bunch of random videos from my ever-helpful Twitter followers, had an outline for a 'How to Play Settlers of Catan' tutorial video for my second channel.

But the script kept growing and growing and began to look more like a documentary film on board game design than a YouTube video -- which might, depending on who you are, sound really interesting, but it had the boring problem I mentioned before. My last ditch effort to save a project like this is to get rid of everything, work on something else for a few days, then write a brand new script by hand -- which I did. But that script still wasn't good and weeks after starting the project, I shelved it. But I'm talking about it now because it's an idea that I still just can't let go and might come back to someday.

Why don't you hire people to help you?

That's a big topic that deserves more time, but for now let me just say the kind of work produced by individuals is very different than the kind of work produced by groups. One isn't intrinsically better than the other, but I think the kinds of videos I've made have all benefited from being a one-man project from start to finish.

Your opinion on koalas.

They sleep 20 hours a day -- never going to be a koala-based civilization with that kind of work ethic.

If you could transfer your brain into a robotic body, would you?

Obviously yes.

You can add three amendments to the US constitution. What do they do?

Oh, so many tempting changes to make. Off the top of my head I'd say:

  1. Abolish private funding of all elections and instead make them run from a limited pool of tax money.
  2. Abolish the Senate and replace it with some kind of proportional body.
  3. Overturn the Interstate-commerce clause -- which basically gives the federal government too much power over the affairs of the States.

Of course, if it was actually my responsibility, I'd consult with some experts rather than just idly mull it over for a couple of days. Running a country of 300 million is more complicated than it looks.

What advice would you give for a successful life?

Build a self-evaluation loop in your life. If you don't periodically review your actions, their effects and your decision-making process, there is hope for improvement other than random chance. I do very small weekly reviews and bigger quarterly and yearly reviews of how my life is going and how I might want it to be different in both the biggest and smallest ways. That's the best, high-level advice I have. For more tactical advice, I recommend two books: one that changed my life, Getting Things Done by David Allen, and another that might change yours: So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport. You can click those books to read my reviews of them.

Have you made a video you don't like how it came out?

With the exceptions of the 2012 and Holland videos, I'm unhappy with all of them. I don't watch my own videos after upload if I can possibly avoid it: they're graveyards of the could-have-been.

Favorite non-educational YouTube channels?

1st: Glove and Boots, who I'm surprised haven't yet gotten ALL THE SUBSCRIBERS.
2nd: I'm also a huge fan of Yahtzee, the Roger Ebert of video games.

What was your first memory of the internet? Mine is playing flash games.

Mine is B.B.S.s. Now get off my lawn and go watch this documentary, you whippersnapper.

Who are your heroes?

Mostly Dark Seer and Necrolyte.

What do you find hardest when making a video?

Writing the script is the hardest, and unfortunately, it's the bottleneck for the whole process. The most uncomfortable part is editing the audio. Just like everyone else, there is a voice in my head that I like and a voice on the tape that I don't.

Have any of your answers from your previous Q&A changed?

You're probably referring to these, and no.

How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

I wouldn't. If a Walking-Dead-style zombie apocalypse arises, the correct course of action is suicide.

What do you listen to while making videos?

My most reliable writing music is Girl Talk's 'All Day' which I would link to on YouTube but it's copyright-infringement-tastic. But you can get it from his website and if you like remixes you should give it a listen. However, I often get some random terrible song in my head while writing and end up buying it and putting it on repeat -- for hours. For this script, my iTunes reveals I listened to a single song 127 times. That might be torture in some jurisdictions, but the repetitiveness really zones me into writing. Animating, however, is incredibly tedious so I listen to a ton of podcasts and audiobooks to keep my sanity.

What's the most interesting 'could-have-been' of history?

Historical-could-have-beens mostly strike me as a missing-the-point thought exercise. The real driver of history is neither great men nor the actions of the masses but the ceaseless march of science and technology, which is mostly indifferent to the imaginary lines drawn by packs of monkeys. Knowing my perspective, you'll see why if I had to pick one it would this primitive Greek steam engine invented 2,000 years ago. There are reasons why it wasn't developed further, but if some rich Greek had gotten obsessed with the technology, perhaps we would have had an industrial revolution two millennia earlier and we'd now be a trans-galactic-post-singularity civilization. With robot bodies.

What is the most British thing you have encountered that you can't get your head around?

The idea that the best way to cool down on a summer day while confined to a non-air-conditioned

Well, Internet, it's been fun. And I'm sorry if your question didn't make it into this video -- there were loads I had to cut -- but now that we're in this realm of numbers so big they don't make sense, perhaps I'll turn Q&A's into an occasional random thing rather than a waiting for an arbitrary base ten roll over thing. Thank you again to everyone for your continued support and thank you for subscribing and for watching -- these last two years have been quite a ride.

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