The Ideal Digital Coin?
If you want a digital currency, you have to deal with something different. I don't think that the stable coins are good, uh, uh, because then you're getting a fiat currency again. I think that what you really would, what would be best, is an inflation-linked, um, coin.
Right? In other words, something where basically you would say, okay, this is going to give me buying power. Because every individual wants—what do they want? They want to secure their buying power.
If you want to save now, if you put it in Bitcoin, it goes like this—who knows what happens? If you put it into something, the closest thing to that is an inflation index bond and so on.
But if you created a coin that says, okay, this is buying power, then I know I could save in and put my money, and over a period of time, and then I can transact anywhere. I think that that would be a good coin.
So, I think you're going to see probably the development of coins that you haven't seen that probably will end up being attractive, viable coins. I don't think Bitcoin is it.