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10 BAD@SS Online Games!

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

[Music] It's fun to dress up your elf princess. But if you're looking for an online game that'll put some hair on your chest, let's take a look at 10 incredibly badass online games.

First, Mechanical Commando, a top-down shooter that asks, why would you ever let go of the trigger? If you're more of a nature lover, go fishing. But not like a [ __ ]! In this game, you reel in fish, flip them in the air, and shoot them with a shotgun. I think this is how Red Lobster does it.

If you're more of a military strategist, here's a tower defense game where you pick and place your defense. It's not the best one I've ever played, but the enemies are zombies. If you'd rather play as a zombie, Zombie Bites is a cute little game where you eat people to stay alive. But watch out for zombie hunters, and be careful because everyone you eat becomes a zombie.

You have to compete with sticking to the zombie theme. Zombie Golf Riot is nice and simple; you aim with your mouse and then swing with your mouse, and the golf ball is a zombie's head. To cuten things up, let's talk about penguins. They're nice and mild, but give them oozies and baseball bats, and you've got Penguins with a Z.

This curious welt lane might seem cuddly, but in order to win, you have to eat the parasites your mother vomits down on you and shoot the evil guys by barfing up your own blood. If you want something more calculated, try Tactical Assassin Substratum. You'll be given specific instructions, and you'll need a steady hand.

And mine beans are the magical fruit, but they can also be gangsta bean. And finally, try Kill Cartoon Revenge. You've gotta finish laps, but also run over, shoot, and launch missiles. Plus, as you earn money, you can upgrade your car and customize its look.

You can play all these games right now by following links in this video's description. And let me know in the comments below what is the most badass thing you've ever done. I can't wait to hear your answers! I've got a special episode of IMG coming up this weekend, but for now, use this grid to watch other V-lists. And as always, thanks for watching. [Music] You.

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