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Direction Game | Brain Games

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

It's time to look at one of the most important brain functions of all: memory. Of course, to get to our next location, we'll need directions, so let's play a direction game.

Here's a simple memory test. Pay attention to the directions we give you. Between the British Museum and Buckingham Palace, there are multiple routes, but remember the specific route we point out. We're going to ask you about it later.

Here we go: from the museum, make a left onto Bloomsbury Way. Hang a right at King's Way. Make a left on Aldwych. Make a right onto the Strand. Now, at the roundabout in Trafalgar Square, take the third exit straight through onto the Mall, and at the end of the Mall, that's Buckingham Palace straight ahead.

Okay, let's see if you were paying attention. Do you turn left or right onto Bloomsbury Way? If you said left, you are correct. Do you turn right or left onto King's Way? If you said right, you are correct. What street after King's Way do you turn on? If you said Aldwych, you are correct.

After Aldwych, what's the roadway you turn right on? If you said the Strand, you are correct. And finally, at the roundabout, which exit do you take? If you said the third exit, you are correct.

Did you get them all right? That's great! You probably have a really good memory. Did you get most of those wrong? If so, don't feel bad; it takes London cab drivers years before they are able to remember those directions.

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